If I make new jail interior

If I make new jail interior with privacy's room's to each one... ETC , How can I do each one go to jail go to each jaill room alone ? Because I have 8 jail's room's so I want to put if Somone in jail and I want jail the other guy in another room , How can I do that ? somone can post here the code for that ?

You can do it with random spawn in cells

How ? what's the code ?

make your own Maps using SAMP Editor or any other Editor..

thats for radom spawns
the map should done with mta or SAMP editor
pawn Код:
new randspawns[3][] =
  {X,Y,Z}//yours cords here
  //and you can do here what ever you want
// As example
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
new random = random(randspawns);
return 1;

How about using SetPlayerVirtualWorld

pawn Код:
//In Jail command add
This will set Player in virtual world id = playerid.

Also, since you have 8 Rooms you can create a bool and set a flag for each room

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