[FilterScript] /ej [From Rustler] & /sync Filterscript

hey guys... i have made an /ej from rustler and sync script

i was searching the samp forums to find these but i just found parts of codes

it took me a few hours to get what i wanted.. but i did it in the end and here there are..

i know alot of people want the /ej script...

cmds are

/ej [ejects you from a rustler]--it throws the player out of the rustler and into the air & gives the player a paracute

/sync [if a player uses an animation & cannot move or just stops moving totally]

enjoy guys

here is the pwn & amx files

Nice man. I like the /ej command. The /sync can be useful as well.

Not bad.

That's not bad : keep up

nice thread rep+

|-Hard Work-|

  • Working Hard
  • DeDicated to мaking This FiterScript
  • Exalent Talent With Scripting

Originally Posted by [MK]Man_Deep
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nice thread rep+

|-Hard Work-|

  • Working Hard
  • DeDicated to мaking This FiterScript
  • Exalent Talent With Scripting
What?! o.o Why did you made this colorful shit damn, its soo... damn... Its not much of hard to do that but... Ok...
Don't understand you that well...
Btw, you should add "ClearAnimations" with it.
Say this example:
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/sync", true))
    if(GetPlayerState(playerid) != 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "You can't /sync inside a car");
    new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
    GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
    SetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z+3);
    ClearAnimations(playerid, 1);
    return 1;
    return 1;
Btw, there is no need of doing x+2,y+2,z+2 cuz this will move you back and to the right, not just moving the player up as expected. Remember that z cordinade will declare the high the player will be teleported

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