City Selection

I am wondering how to do a city selection screen like in Grand Larceny. If a player selects a city then it goes to the appropriate class selection from there, and when a player spawns it will use one of the random spawns for that particular city.

The tutorial was what got me thinking about the concept of City Selection. I'm wondering if there's another method to doing it.

Thank you for the input ******. I'll use your system but not any time in soon. Hopefully someone else can assist me in this matter.

What I am saying is, I would use this system but the problem is if I were to use that system I would have to convert some other thing to work with YSI. I'm perfectly okay with that but what I first need to do is take of converting all of the old script to a more organized code.

I have 2 questions...
1. If I were to use y_classes and y_groups, would I be able to have the same skin in different groups?
2. Is it possible to put a player in more than one group? (i.e. Civilian -> Terrorist or Police -> SWAT Team )

Alright, well once I'm finished converting my current script from old methods to the newer ones, I'll start working with y_(classes/groups/cmd).

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