setplayer pos help

HI i don't know how to explane this verey well but i will try.

i want to have 2 buildings that go into the same interior and when i exit from one of the buildings it will take me back where i enter it and i want the the same for the other building but my problems is that they both go into the same interior and when i exit it will only take me to one of the point i think i need to use a virtual world. at the Monet all i can do is if(playerinrangeof x y z setplayerpos x y z but i want to different exit points to set me at depending on what building i entered at.

i have left this thread for about over a month and i thought i bump it up.

explane it better please

Well i want to buildings that take me in to the same interior but depending on what one i enter first it will tp me back to one off the buildings.

First enter place:
pawn Код:
SetPVarInt(playerid, "Interior", 1);
Second enter place:
pawn Код:
SetPVarInt(playerid, "Interior", 2);
pawn Код:
if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Interior") == 1)
// first place
else if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Interior") == 2)
// second place

I think you can use Virtual world (SetPlayerVirtualWorld).
And then when player exit's that building you can check IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint() and GetPlayerVirtualWorld() to see where you need to TP him.

Edit: Or, even better what MadeMan said.

Originally Posted by xRyder
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I think you can use Virtual world (SetPlayerVirtualWorld).
And then when player exit's that building you can check IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint() and GetPlayerVirtualWorld() to see where you need to TP him.

Edit: Or, even better what MadeMan said.
Isn't it interior?

pawn Код:
SetPlayerInterior( playerid, interiorid );

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