14.12.2010, 01:52
Well, hello there. Your obviously reading this because you are a scripter. The National Roleplay team is in great need of a Scipter. We are going to be a pretty big community, if this scripter will help make our server great! We have already a great admin team, and are just inneed of a scripter. As of right now, we have a 24/7 hosted 32 slot server. So, if you are a PROFESSIONAL scriper, you may add the owner of this server to xfire or msn.
Xfire: martyshark
Msn: omairsaeed1996@hotmail.com
Thank you very much for taking you time to read this, hopefully you will contact the owner right away to make arrangements to be our scripter!
Xfire: martyshark
Msn: omairsaeed1996@hotmail.com
Thank you very much for taking you time to read this, hopefully you will contact the owner right away to make arrangements to be our scripter!