Bugged menu

EDIT: i found out it was the pickup.
When i stand in the pickup it's scripted like this:
	if (pickupid == weapons)
		return 1;
Atm it goes to the main menu every second.

I want it like, it detects when you enter it, but not when you stand in it!

Sorry if i bump to early, but i just edited the post and i think it's easier to understand what i mean now.

I dont think this is avoidable, but you could destroy the pickup and then recreate when the player exits the menu.

pawn Код:
if(pickupid == weapons)
     TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0);
     ShowMenuForPlayer(playerid, mainwep);
- Then recreate the pickup on a timer. Maybe after 1 minute or something?

Teleport the player just slightly, so he isn't on the icon ..

common sense eh?

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