Originally Posted by Redirect Left
Had two PMs asking me to describe the map format, so basically:
A Author
V Version of the map
N name of the map
T The threshold for the map before someone has 'fallen off'
W The time the person needs to be alive for to win the game
C The camera position for spawn menu, expressed as three floats, 1.1,2.2,3.3
L Where the camera looks at for spawn menu, , expressed as three floats, 1.1,2.2,3.3
O An object, each object needs its own O line, usual CreateObject parameters used, model, X, Y, Z, rX, rY, rZ
S A spawn define, you need lots of potential spawn areas, and each spawn has its own S line, usual SetPlayerPos/VehiclePos parameters, X,Y,Z,A(ngle)
To add maps into the server, you will also need to create a file called maps.ini - this is a list of all the maps on the server, and the script will choose a random map from this list to play.
Map files also end with .ini, and you need to create a folder inside scriptfiles called /maps/, your maps go in here. So when making a map, save the file as something memorable, like yourmap.ini, then add yourmap to maps.ini and it should work, don't add the .ini when putting files on that list though, the game will add the .ini itself.
Here is a demo map, using a map converted from the server I run currently.
A Redirect_Left
V 1.0
N OilFieldCapers
T 17.55
W 300
C 488.8928,1332.2717,46.7558
L 473.1079,1458.2101,26.8516
O 13623,481.66,1425.60,16.29,0.00,0.00,0.00
O 13623,481.66,1425.60,23.29,0.00,0.00,0.00
O 13623,481.66,1425.60,30.29,0.00,0.00,0.00
O 13607,481.66,1425.60,29.29,0.00,0.00,0.00
O 13607,460.51,1480.78,24.77,0.00,0.00,0.00
O 16086,487.88,1511.81,20.93,0.00,0.00,0.00
O 13607,489.00,1368.41,23.20,0.00,0.00,0.00
O 13607,493.89,1522.07,21.37,0.00,0.00,0.00
O 16086,507.41,1537.32,17.64,0.00,0.00,0.00
O 16533,524.79,1391.54,17.59,0.00,0.00,90.00
O 16533,526.26,1386.42,17.68,719.00,0.00,90.00
O 16533,525.09,1453.43,18.18,0.00,0.00,90.00
O 16533,526.50,1450.70,18.23,0.00,0.00,90.00
O 1245,442.11,1452.05,22.13,0.00,0.00,135.00
O 1245,444.56,1449.38,24.23,0.00,0.00,135.00
O 1245,504.59,1489.49,19.18,0.00,0.00,0.00
O 1660,498.05,1377.69,19.37,0.00,0.00,0.00
O 1245,498.55,1384.77,24.07,0.00,4.59,-95.00
S 447.4939,1423.1301,31.8999,274.8453
S 515.0254,1430.3411,31.9032,93.2424
S 489.0064,1393.7130,31.9004,11.2261
S 513.8853,1417.4923,31.9029,66.1403
S 455.1153,1445.8228,31.9004,228.7078
S 428.9576,1490.4073,27.3668,250.4497
S 493.0207,1477.0527,27.3700,72.3620
S 469.8515,1512.7542,27.3687,159.6071
S 437.8037,1457.3875,27.3672,317.7506
S 491.5483,1493.9259,27.3802,98.4306
S 476.8059,1550.5496,20.9679,232.4761
S 520.0722,1545.0824,25.9684,164.9070
S 527.0903,1519.8059,25.9643,72.1404
S 477.4435,1337.7740,25.8154,339.1112
S 516.9030,1349.6533,25.8138,59.9497
S 511.6571,1441.8721,31.8521,117.1448
S 451.2752,1410.7054,31.8488,290.4720
S 426.6221,1476.2686,27.3294,280.3311
S 442.9873,1509.1980,27.3291,223.2030
S 492.4196,1556.4324,24.9361,169.4116
S 465.5541,1541.4388,24.9295,245.4953
S 520.8161,1369.1862,25.8407,84.6503
S 517.1755,1355.5480,27.7632,57.1066
S 509.7923,1343.9163,27.7722,27.6066
S 498.8511,1335.5159,27.7564,6.6267
S 484.5100,1337.4312,27.7576,343.1555
S 457.1879,1374.5818,27.7619,243.7334
S 460.1621,1356.0244,27.7658,293.6729
S 516.9030,1349.6533,25.8138,59.9497
S 492.4196,1556.4324,24.9361,169.4116
S 465.5541,1541.4388,24.9295,245.4953
S 520.8161,1369.1862,25.8407,84.6503
S 517.1755,1355.5480,25.7632,57.1066
S 509.7923,1343.9163,25.7722,27.6066
S 498.8511,1335.5159,25.7564,6.6267
S 484.5100,1337.4312,25.7576,343.1555
S 489.5100,1337.4312,25.7576,343.1555
S 457.1879,1374.5818,25.7619,243.7334
S 460.1621,1356.0244,25.7658,293.6729
S 516.9030,1349.6533,25.8138,59.9497
S 492.4196,1556.4324,25.9361,169.4116
S 465.5541,1541.4388,25.9295,245.4953
S 520.8161,1369.1862,25.8407,84.6503
S 517.1755,1355.5480,25.7632,57.1066
S 509.7923,1343.9163,25.7722,27.6066
S 498.8511,1335.5159,25.7564,6.6267
S 484.5100,1337.4312,25.7576,343.1555
S 457.1879,1374.5818,25.7619,243.7334
S 460.1621,1356.0244,25.7658,293.6729
S 516.9030,1349.6533,25.8138,59.9497
One thing to note, this will use the objects default drawdistance, to change it, find line 307 (or the line with mapObjects[mapObjectsCounter] = CreateObject(model, X, Y, Z, rX, rY, rZ); and after rZ add ',500', where 500 is the distance you want to use.
If you know what you're doing with PAWN to any degree, you should be able to add and modify things and layout of maps by editing LoadRace and related variables
if you need help, reply here, don't PM me please