Help needed.

Okay, let me explain the situation. I'm setting gate positions right, but i set it in the right pos but when i do /gate it dosn't work and for fbigateopen2 = 1; i don't know what to do in that line every time i put coords in it creates a new gate but i want it to slide away..

Here is the code -

	else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 12.0, 323.9845,-1484.9514,24.9362))
        { //FBI GATE 2
            if(!(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 2)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY,"   You are not a member of the FBI !");
            if(fbigateopen2 == 0)
                fbigateopen2 = 1;
            	MoveObject(FBIGate2, , 1.500000);
			    fbigateopen2 = 0;
			    MoveObject(FBIGate2, -1488.1542,24.5853,325.3836, 1.500000);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "   You are not near a gate !");
			return 1;
		return 1;
Thanks in advanced.

maybe you move the object in the same place that it is

^ ? Derp. He wants to make the gate move to the specified coordinates, but it's not moving when he types /gate.

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