[QUESTION] Cuff Breaking

Hello SA-MP. Im Currently Tryying To Script A /BreakCuffs Commands.

That When "if(cuffed[i] == 1"

Then The STRMP Is Typed "/Breakcuffs"

That cuffed[i] Is A Random Breakout Time, So He Might Be Lucky To Break Out. Any Help?

Or Someone Who Can Write Me A Little Script Would Be Excellent!

do like:

if you want a timed one do like:

public BreakCuffs(playerid)
new cuffbreak = random(5);
switch (cuffbreak)
case 0: Code of broke cuffs
case 1: return SendClientMessage or something you want..
case 2: return SendClientMessage or something you want..
case 3: return SendClientMessage or something you want..
case 4: return SendClientMessage or something you want..

Thankyou For A Very Fast Reply 0ne, Im Just Wondering What You Mean By Here,

"case 0: Code of broke cuffs"

Well you said you want a random breakout, so do a timer when he tries to make a /breakcuffs command of something like that

and on the randoms where id id

case 0: code of broke cuffs

if the random is == 0 do like cuffed[playerid] == 0, SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR,"You have successfully broke the cuffs, run before the cop see's it.");


pawn Код:
new cuffbreak = random(5);
switch (cuffbreak)
case 0: cuffed[playerid] == 0, SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR,"You have successfully broke the cuffs, run before the cop see's it.");
case 1: return SendClientMessage or something you want..
case 2: return SendClientMessage or something you want..
case 3: return SendClientMessage or something you want..
case 4: return SendClientMessage or something you want..


Hm...... Fixed Up Most Errors But.

public HandCuffed()
  for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
   if(cuffed[i] == 1 && IsPlayerConnected(i))
    GameTextForPlayer(i,"Your Handcuffed",4000,3);
	 (Line : 4517)public BreakCuffs(i);
   new cuffbreak = random(5);
   (Line : 4520)switch (cuffbreak){;
cuffed[i] == 0, SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_GREEN,"You have successfully broke the cuffs, run before the cop see's it.");
My Errors
(4517) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
(4517) : error 017: undefined symbol "BreakCuffs"
(4520) : error 002: only a single statement (or expression) can follow each "case"


Originally Posted by Quicky1995
Hm...... Fixed Up Most Errors But.

public HandCuffed()
  for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
   if(cuffed[i] == 1 && IsPlayerConnected(i))
    GameTextForPlayer(i,"Your Handcuffed",4000,3);
	 (Line : 4517)public BreakCuffs(i);
   new cuffbreak = random(5);
   (Line : 4520)switch (cuffbreak){;
cuffed[i] == 0, SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_GREEN,"You have successfully broke the cuffs, run before the cop see's it.");
My Errors
(4517) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
(4517) : error 017: undefined symbol "BreakCuffs"
(4520) : error 002: only a single statement (or expression) can follow each "case"

public HandCuffed()
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(cuffed[i] == 1 && IsPlayerConnected(i))
GameTextForPlayer(i,"Your Handcuffed",4000,3);
return 1;
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
forward BreakCuffs(i);
public BreakCuffs(i)
new cuffbreak = random(5);
switch (cuffbreak)

case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
cuffed[i] == 0 return SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_GREEN,"You have successfully broke the cuffs, run before the cop see's it.");
return 1;

Did You Look, Re Look You May See (Line : ...)

pawn Код:
public HandCuffed()
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if(cuffed[i] == 1 && IsPlayerConnected(i))
            GameTextForPlayer(i,"Your Handcuffed",4000,3);
            cuffed[i] = 1;
forward BreakCuffs(playerid);
public BreakCuffs(playerid)
    new cuffbreak = random(5);
    switch (cuffbreak)
        case 0: cuffed[playerid] == 0, SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"You have successfully broke the cuffs, run before the cop see's it."), TogglePlayerControllable(playerid,true);
        case 1: return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"You failed to break cuffs.");
        case 2: return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"You failed to break cuffs.");
        case 3: return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"You failed to break cuffs.");
        case 4: return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"You failed to break cuffs.");
    return 1;
try now.

Thankyou Alot Guys!

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