What is the best way to install +9000 objects?

What is the best way to install +9000 objects?

What I would like to use the Object Streamer?

I store it directly in the "gamemode" which is "filterscripts"?

Show me the quickest and trouble to teach the method does not LAG...

+9k objects? Wow.

Who has 9000 objects?
That is ALOT

Originally Posted by samp4682
What is the best way to install +9000 objects?

Originally Posted by Joe Torran C
Who has 9000 objects?
That is ALOT
Hmm depends on what kind of server its for. 9k isnt bad for a stunting server.

If its an RP server...thats just...unreal lol.

Put them at some file/database/w-e and load them all at the moment of starting the server. Use enums arrays and while/loop . Good luck.

Well ...

My main purpose here is only a matter of fact, so he is using to send instruction can show a little bit faster ...

In other words, when I send there tend to be very slow Object only displayed ...

I just want to let her show the speed upgrade ...

I am currently using the Double-O-Object.

But many friends have suggested I use the version of YSI Stream ...

However, due to YSI Object Stream is too complex ...

I do not know how to install ...

Can teach me how to install YSI do?

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