
Originally Posted by Christopher.
Originally Posted by Knorreworst
Originally Posted by Jesenice*
Guys it's free so don't complain.
Random statement...

Kye wouldn't make shit better if we gave him money for it, so why bother saying it's free...
Don't be hating on Kye, The sync in 0.3 has been improved, Yes there is still problems with objects that are not created in GTA coding it's self, But you must remeber, GTA:SA was not ment to be played as a Multiplayer, This mod was created by kye in C++, Mainly using the SendCommand function, So scriping the sync is a hard job, You need to concider that when complaining about the sync.
1) Learn how SA:MP works.
2) Alot of the bugs can be fixed.

Originally Posted by ┤ŞąiBЄЯҒПŋ├
Originally Posted by Knorreworst
Hello Mr. 4 posts. Why would you assume that i'm 'hating on Kye'?

SA-MP has been a game long enough to make something good of it.

I've been beta testing for weeks on my server, and it's really not just the sync that needs improvement. Just saying.
hello mr 519 posts or wiener wurschtel

u think ur better than anyone cuz ugot more posts?
for real thats dumb...
You know just as well as i do that that doesn't matter. I'm merely saying it because he's obviously new to sa-mp, thus doesn't know what he's talking about.

Sa-mp is just all around bad for DM'ers lol ... such a shame. Only thing im hoping to see in 0.3b would be some better DM functions/callbacks .

Originally Posted by Knorreworst
Originally Posted by ┤ŞąiBЄЯҒПŋ├
Originally Posted by Knorreworst
Hello Mr. 4 posts. Why would you assume that i'm 'hating on Kye'?

SA-MP has been a game long enough to make something good of it.

I've been beta testing for weeks on my server, and it's really not just the sync that needs improvement. Just saying.
hello mr 519 posts or wiener wurschtel

u think ur better than anyone cuz ugot more posts?
for real thats dumb...
You know just as well as i do that that doesn't matter. I'm merely saying it because he's obviously new to sa-mp, thus doesn't know what he's talking about.
I doubt he's new.
The period at the end of his name, his style of writing/grammar, and his style of signature makes me think he's this guy.

tbh right the sync is crap pm should be put back in streamers is buggy as hell im sticking with 2x

You mean 0.2x? Hell, 0.2x Is way better then our current release

Originally Posted by Christopher.
Originally Posted by Knorreworst
Originally Posted by Jesenice*
Guys it's free so don't complain.
Random statement...

Kye wouldn't make shit better if we gave him money for it, so why bother saying it's free...
Don't be hating on Kye, The sync in 0.3 has been improved, Yes there is still problems with objects that are not created in GTA coding it's self, But you must remeber, GTA:SA was not ment to be played as a Multiplayer, This mod was created by kye in C++, Mainly using the SendCommand function, So scriping the sync is a hard job, You need to concider that when complaining about the sync.
What the hell is the sendcommand function?

Originally Posted by Knorreworst
Originally Posted by ┤ŞąiBЄЯҒПŋ├
Originally Posted by Knorreworst
Hello Mr. 4 posts. Why would you assume that i'm 'hating on Kye'?

SA-MP has been a game long enough to make something good of it.

I've been beta testing for weeks on my server, and it's really not just the sync that needs improvement. Just saying.
hello mr 519 posts or wiener wurschtel

u think ur better than anyone cuz ugot more posts?
for real thats dumb...
You know just as well as i do that that doesn't matter. I'm merely saying it because he's obviously new to sa-mp, thus doesn't know what he's talking about.
So having 4 posts automatically denotes he's new to sa-mp? And that means he doesn't know what he's talking about? Wrong. You can't judge that just by the number of posts some1 has, he could have been playing sa-mp since 0.1b for all you know and he could know a lot more about sa-mp than you'd think, post count is just irrelevant. Basically by your logic, everyone who plays sa-mp regularly posts here, and that's not true at all. Post count doesn't mean anything so don't even bring it up.

Anyway, the sync is fine, and it's better in a lot of ways, player desync doesn't seem to happen as much as it used to IMO, also when some1 gets into a car, they aren't temporarily desynced anymore, that caused a lot of problems in 2x for DM. Vacant cars are synced, that's a huge improvement and just makes the game a lot better, easily one of my favourite new improvements, it's the simple things that matter. Saying this though, there probably are a few new problems. Some things have been improved since 2x while other things have gotten worse. But overall, it's a huge improvement and I can't understand why some people would still play 2x, that has it's fair share of bugs as well, it's just most people are used to them by now, and don't want to adjust to new changes. Thanks for 0.3.

When SA-MP wasn't showing signs of release, YOU MOAN. When it is released, YOU MOAN. I don't get it. o.O

I actually like 0.3, many new functions, some are really fun to play with, I think people should be happy with what they get. Yes fair enough, people have the right to complain, but some people -COUGH-Knorreworst -COUGH- take it to far.

My ONLY issue with 0.3, is the SetDisabledWeapons(); function being removed, They say they have the code to de-sync goggles ect for other players, but they havn't activated it yet, all I'd ask, is for them to activate it, so we don't need SetDisabledWeapons();, or give us SetDisabledWeapons(); back.

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