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It\'s been SO long since I posted anything here. After my last post, I majored in university, became a cinematographer, shot 20+ commercials, got a job as media manager at countrys\' gymnastics feder...
Your friend is running a recording label, and you're asking for free logo design?
You're weird... Plus it's called Pawno.
That's actually pretty decent work. Just add some bright dust, stars and J.J Abrams lens flares and you're there. Quote: Originally Posted by [J] So it actually looks like that ? I'm a...
ERM... Simplicity is usually good, but this is just too simple...... Well at least you did SOMETHING for community.
Quote: Originally Posted by FUNExtreme There's usually huge difference between technical reviews and personal opinions...
I hope it's not all up to ****** maps and only at specific areas... This is definitely a fun toy to have. Fuck I'd be playing this with my friends in tons of abandoned buildings. I really hope this ...
press every single key from Prtscr sysrq to page down. I used to get that when I accidentally click one of those buttons. Quote: Originally Posted by Stuun Tell them to go to the store wh...
I remember back then, when I looked all around the town, searching for Windows XP 64. There's very slight difference between 32 and 64, mostly it's about quality and performance, if your rig is not s...
I don't know. Is there any lag that bothers you while you play? If yes, then go ahead and upgrade GPU... Mostly everything nowdays are running on GPU, even the Adobe Premiere Pro. So yeah...
I once got angry and hit my dad's laptop screen, when I saw the black huge spot, 10 years of my life just went away in that few second of fear. Anyways, he just bought the used screen from a cheap re...
Damn son, that's some serious rig. BTW, there really shouldn't be argument over the CPU. What are you, a video editor?
Quote: Originally Posted by Danny Let's face it guys, if you want a job nowadays you just NEED to have some experience, and if something like this comes along you just have to take it with...
Quote: Originally Posted by iNorton Not to mention... Who in the sick world would of want to work and not be paid for it. . Kids actually, there are numerous activities like special ef...
That's not the type of specialty that you spend 8 hours a week just to get hands on experience. I lived in Georgian Republic, trust me, most of the people ask how many sites are on the internet... So ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Onfroi We are obviously talking about SA-MP here, no idea why you brought all that other shit in, I know what a role play is. I'm just saying that most SA-MP r...
Quote: Originally Posted by Onfroi I'm guessing you don't know what a roleplay is? A roleplay mimics real life, not a movie. But I guess this would fit in a freeroam or RPG, then it would...
You need to learn first... Just because you got good connection and semi decent PC, doesn't means you just go and become hosting provider.
Trial... you play it for few days, then it'll ask you to buy it, it won't charge you or anything. I played Chivarly once like that. Pretty decent marketing if you ask me.