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Set both to -1 but still no pickup is showing up... :S
All the pickups I've scripted into the Interiors are not showing up. I've tried the standards samp pickups and ive tried using dynamic pickups. The exact same pick types/models work as they should out...
Me and a buddy are scripting a Prison Roleplay server from scratch. Mainly look for others who want to be involved with administrating the server and pitching ideas. Add me on skype; mowgli2k8@live....
I can give you a hand with this stuff... Ill pm you
Not sure, maybe this?
What script you using? What housing system are you using? Join this XMP Dev chat room (no sign up required - Just enter a username) if you want to chat to other programmers/scripters for help - clic...
What script you using? Im guessing your asking to either limit the amount of vehicles a player can have or limit the amount of vehicles in stock of each model... Join this XMP Dev chat room (no sign ...
Kerth, PLEASE re-phrase the question?>
Are you sayig the web host and .ini files are on a seperate server? If so, then you should learn MySQL.
Im sure it is possible, but defiantly not recommended. Why are you choosing to use Y_ini instead of mysql?
Show us the callback code? The OnQueryFinish?
Hey AiRA, great to see your choosing to learn MySQL, its a great way of storing data (not just on SAMP, but with data from all over life)... When you say your having trouble writing values, what do y...
This means the arguments you put are wrong. either you have put too many, or too little or wrong data types for the argument. ****** "Samp Wiki CreateDynamic3DtextLabel" and youll get the samp wiki p...
You wont be able to play it in school, because they most likely block the ports used to play samp anyway on the firewall.. The best thing to do for a start, would have an Iphone or Andriod phone that...
Need to just add " " marks onto the fixed colour defines. "{FFFFFF}" like that
bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Explain more... give examples
I have seen servers without this problem.. Also, When i remove the building in MTA or map editor off the forum.. it works perfectly.. as soon as its in my server, the invisible object is there.. Its...
Hello, I have removed the northern building at Pershing Square and put it into my server. However it leaves as invislbe outline of the building which i removed. You cant see the building but you can...