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Alright I was in the wrong folder and really want to die right now. I spent hours on looking for the mistake. Suicide inc. This topic may be deleted. Thanks anyway.
Well, the only thing I could think about now is that the variable is too small or incompatible, or it's just an internal sa-mp bug. Code seems legit for me.
Quote: Originally Posted by Lauder You mean like this? Код: public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]) { //Now les't make an admin chat, it will be: # <text>. if( (text[0] == '#' ||...
Alright thanks so far although there is a little contradiction in your answer I think I know what you mean. Anyway the note in the wiki is very misleading if you are correct. It says: Quote: ...
Try "/gov blablablabla", won't it print "blablablabla"?
Do you reset "PlayerInfo[playerid][Vehicle]" to -1 at OnPlayer(Dis)connect? If not, you should do that.
Might I see all code that has to do with it? The problem is probably somewhere more deep.
What does it do instead of porting them back to their location? Does it do nothing or something weird?
pawn Код: #include <a_samp>#if defined FILTERSCRIPTpublic OnFilterScriptInit(){print("\n--------------------------------------");print(" Blank Filterscript by your name here");print("-------...
#edit# you edited, I need to re-read your post.
Quote: Originally Posted by WellDone DeathOnaStick, thanks, but pawn Code: new Float:pos[3],Float:Angle;GetPlayerPos(i,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);GetPlayerFacingAngle(i,Angle);new const lesX ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Tamer T I think it is possible for it to be done as a .dll (writing del root function) At first, this is probably correct, although I'm not sure how far your...
I'd need your code for that. The declaration of the variable, the method that stores the IDs and the method that destroys the vehicles.
Put an "return 1;" before the last closing bracket. Might fix it. Test and report here again. This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts. Please try again in 22 seconds. #Edit# Too ...
pawn Код: if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)&&!strcmp(cmdtext, "/gov")){SendClientMessageToAll(0xDEEE20FF, cmdtext[4]);return 1;} Probably will do the job. Just try it and report.
What kind of system do you use for implementation? I'm something of an "Oldie", never seen the COMMAND thing before, only CMD (probably the same procedure...). If I were you I'd check whether everythi...
pawn Code: new x=2;new y;y=x;printf("x==%i | y==%i", x, y);x=5;printf("x==%i | y==%i", x, y); If I'm not wrong x will change its value and y won't. y is a variable though; does it have to be a cons...
Hey guys! I've never needed to script Textdraws... until now. Due to the fact that the wiki-entries of the Textdraw functions are pretty nontransparent, I've got some questions about the use of Text...
If you change that at the registration form, you also need to remove it from the login form.
Quote: Originally Posted by Dare Devil..... I get my passwords for registerd people in hash how can I fix it? to normal letters? Why do you actually want to remove that? Seems kind of w...