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Alright, first off all, I have no idea if this is the correct section to post a issue like this. I'm Sammy Osborn, Head Administrator of the San Andreas Roleplay Community. We've lately had another se...
pawn Code: dcmd_ooc(playerid, params[])    {    new sendername[32];    new idx;    new string[128];    GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));    new length = strlen(para...
pawn Код: == Is Equal To - pawn Код: if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) == 0) pawn Код: >= Is Bigger Than Or Equal To - pawn Код: if(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) >= 5) pawn Код: =&...
Quote: Originally Posted by biltong pawn Код: if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT) Or.. pawn Код: if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { } When you call a funct...
Try Creating a vehicle with a specific ID. e.g.: pawn Код: new npcveh;public OnGameModeInit(){npcveh = CreateVehicle(427,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0,1,5000);return 1;} Then put the NPC in "npcveh", not th...
That right there is blatant script stealing. He put it up for people to have a look at, not to steal it. Log1, try searching SA-MP's wiki.
pawn Код: #define Command(%1) if(!strcmp(cmdtext,%1,true))#define sM(%1,%2,%3) SendClientMessage(%1,%2,%3)//Defines Command(CMD) to "if(!strcmp(cmdtext,%1,true))" and sM(playerid,COLOR,string) to ...
I don't know if this would work, but.. pawn Код: OnPlayerConnect(playerid){if(strcmp(ConnectName, "[ETW]MrWhoopey",true)) // If their name ISN'T the same as the bot..{if(playerid == 0) // .. and t...
It's a mod for CLEO. ******* > ELM GTASA v7
Adding more than one house isn't working. I added two houses, and once I buy one and sell it, I buy the other one and it says "You are not in a house icon" when I'm standing in the middle of it.
pawn Код: public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger){  if(ispassenger == 0) //Check to see if the player is a passenger  {     if(IsVehPlane(vehicleid))     {       ...
Thank you BP13. If anyone needs help with this, or something else, PM me.
Hey Mo3 it's me Skelebob. It was fun playing with this bot yesterday You're amazing!
The first 1 isn't mine. And i wrote it in caps because i wanted to?
Quote: Originally Posted by Daren_Jacobson lol, i was just looking at it, yours isn't indented either. It must be indented if my pawno doesn't give out indentation warnings :/ And no, i...
Quote: Originally Posted by thuron Quote: Originally Posted by Seif_ Yours isn't indented, a bad example for new scripters. omg ur so sad!!! xDxDxD he wrote one and im happ...
I did read it, and i decided to make one WITH the response.
All yours is complicated and doesnt even include Dialog Response. Why all the new stuff if you dont need it? Waste of space imo
Hello, this will show you how to make the 3 types of dialog, and how to respond to them. Dialog 1: Message Box Can be used for welcoming someone to a server, or for showing the rules of a server. Th...