30.11.2009, 18:38
I have this script, is functional, but I wanted to do was just write the order, but simply press the "h" or "Capslock" => chimney and it was open, I looked but nowhere did I find anything to help me and I asked several people and did not want to help me, please if anyone can lose some time with me.
#include <a_samp> #include <core> #include <float> #include <k_functions> #define FILTERSCRIPT #pragma tabsize 0 #if defined FILTERSCRIPT #define COLOR_YELLOW 0xFFFF00AA #define COLOR_GREEN 0x33FF00AA #define COLOR_CYAN 0x33FFFFAA #define COLOR_ORANGE 0xFFCC00AA #define COLOR_PINK 0xFF66FFAA #define COLOR_PURPLE 0xC2A2DAAA #define COLOR_BLACK 0x000000AA #define COLOR_LIGHTRED 0xFF6347AA #define COLOR_GREY 0xAFAFAFAA #define COLOR_RED 0xAA3333AA #define COLOR_YELLOW 0xFFFF00AA #define COLOR_WHITE 0xFFFFFFAA #define COLOR_BLUE 0x0000BBAA #define COLOR_LIGHTBLUE 0x33CCFFAA #define COLOR_BRIGHTRED 0xFF0000AA forward CloseAPGate(airportid, playerid); forward PlayerToPoint(Float:radi, playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z); forward CheckAPGates(); forward logoanim(); forward logoanim2(); forward ProxDetector(Float:radi, playerid, string[],col1,col2,col3,col4,col5); forward lspdbarrierclose(); forward sfpdbarrierclose(); forward sfpd2barrierclose(); forward ngbarrierclose(); forward lspdgateclose(); forward sfpdgateclose(); new LSPDGate; new SFPDGatea; new SFPDGateb; new NGBarrier; new SFPD2Barrier; new SFPDBarrier; new LSPDBarrier; new Text:logo; new lsapg1, lsapg2; new sf1apg1, sf1apg2; new sf2apg1, sf2apg2; new lvapg1, lvapg2; new vehName[][] = { "Landstalker", "Bravura", "Buffalo", "Linerunner", "Perrenial", "Sentinel", "Dumper", "Firetruck", "Trashmaster", "Stretch", "Manana", "Infernus", "Voodoo", "Pony", "Mule", "Cheetah", "Ambulance", "Leviathan", "Moonbeam", "Esperanto", "Taxi", "Washington", "Bobcat", "Whoopee", "BF Injection", "Hunter", "Premier", "Enforcer", "Securicar", "Banshee", "Predator", "Bus", "Rhino", "Barracks", "Hotknife", "Trailer", "Previon", "Coach", "Cabbie", "Stallion", "Rumpo", "RC Bandit", "Romero", "Packer", "Monster", "Admiral", "Squalo", "Seasparrow", "Pizzaboy", "Tram", "Trailer", "Turismo", "Speeder", "Reefer", "Tropic", "Flatbed", "Yankee", "Caddy", "Solair", "Berkley's RC Van", "Skimmer", "PCJ-600", "Faggio", "Freeway", "RC Baron", "RC Raider", "Glendale", "Oceanic", "Sanchez", "Sparrow", "Patriot", "Quad", "Coastguard", "Dinghy", "Hermes", "Sabre", "Rustler", "ZR-350", "Walton", "Regina", "Comet", "BMX", "Burrito", "Camper", "Marquis", "Baggage", "Dozer", "Maverick", "News Chopper", "Rancher", "FBI Rancher", "Virgo", "Greenwood", "Jetmax", "Hotring", "Sandking", "Blista Compact", "Police Maverick", "Boxvillde", "Benson", "Mesa", "RC Goblin", "Hotring Racer A", "Hotring Racer B", "Bloodring Banger", "Rancher", "Super GT", "Elegant", "Journey", "Bike", "Mountain Bike", "Beagle", "Cropduster", "Stunt", "Tanker", "Roadtrain", "Nebula", "Majestic", "Buccaneer", "Shamal", "Hydra", "FCR-900", "NRG-500", "HPV1000", "Cement Truck", "Tow Truck", "Fortune", "Cadrona", "FBI Truck", "Willard", "Forklift", "Tractor", "Combine", "Feltzer", "Remington", "Slamvan", "Blade", "Freight", "Streak", "Vortex", "Vincent", "Bullet", "Clover", "Sadler", "Firetruck", "Hustler", "Intruder", "Primo", "Cargobob", "Tampa", "Sunrise", "Merit", "Utility", "Nevada", "Yosemite", "Windsor", "Monster", "Monster", "Uranus", "Jester", "Sultan", "Stratum", "Elegy", "Raindance", "RC Tiger", "Flash", "Tahoma", "Savanna", "Bandito", "Freight Flat", "Streak Carriage", "Kart", "Mower", "Dune", "Sweeper", "Broadway", "Tornado", "AT-400", "DFT-30", "Huntley", "Stafford", "BF-400", "News Van", "Tug", "Trailer", "Emperor", "Wayfarer", "Euros", "Hotdog", "Club", "Freight Box", "Trailer", "Andromada", "Dodo", "RC Cam", "Launch", "Police Car", "Police Car", "Police Car", "Police Ranger", "Picador", "S.W.A.T", "Alpha", "Phoenix", "Glendale", "Sadler", "Luggage", "Luggage", "Stairs", "Boxville", "Tiller", "Utility Trailer" }; public OnFilterScriptInit() { print("\n--------------------------------------"); print(" The Script"); print("--------------------------------------\n"); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lsapg1 = CreateObject(988, 19644.342, -21849.776, 13.533, 0, 0, 180.0); lsapg2 = CreateObject(988, 19548.851, -21849.777, 13.553, 0, 0, 180.0); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sf1apg1 = CreateObject(988, -15443.742, -4342.703, 6.039, 0, 0, -45.0); sf1apg2 = CreateObject(988, -15447.625, -4248.82, 6.039, 0, 0, -45.0); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sf2apg1 = CreateObject(988, -12242.953, 534.826, 14.134, 0, 0, -135.0); sf2apg2 = CreateObject(988, -12148.206, 684.883, 14.134, 0, 0, -135.0); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lvapg1 = CreateObject(988, 17044.777, 160445.165, 10.058, 0, 0, 73.0); lvapg2 = CreateObject(988, 17046.364, 161440.422, 10.058, 0, 0, 73.0); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NGBarrier = CreateObject(968, -15426.3753662109, 4841.39730834961, 6.968273639679, 0, 90, 180); SFPD2Barrier = CreateObject(968, -15472.205078125, 6548.79943847656, 6.8781251907349, 0, 90, 90); LSPDBarrier = CreateObject(968,15444.755004,-16243.929199,13.352820,0.000000,89.000000,269.818847); LSPDGate = CreateObject(980,15848.265991,-16348.143554,15.014236,0.000000,0.000000,0.675605); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SFPDBarrier = CreateObject(968, -17041.4342041016, 6847.60089111328, 24.653261184692, 0, 270, 90); SFPDGatea = CreateObject(969,-16341.741455,6848.129028,6.303413,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000); SFPDGateb = CreateObject(969,-16349.915405,6848.129028,6.303413,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SetTimer("CheckAPGates", 1000, 1); SetTimer("logoanim",5000,false); return 1; } public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { if(strcmp("/openlsbarrier", cmdtext, true) == 0) { GetPlayerSkin(playerid); if(IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 280) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 281) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 282) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 283) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 288) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 284) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 285) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 286) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 287) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 163) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 164)) { SetObjectRot(LSPDBarrier,0.000000,0.000000,269.818847); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAAAAAAAA, " LSPD barrier opened !"); SetTimer("lspdbarrierclose",3000, false); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAAAAAAAA," You have to be a Cop/FBI/NG to open this barrier !"); } } if(strcmp("/opensf2barrier", cmdtext, true) == 0) { GetPlayerSkin(playerid); if(IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 280) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 281) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 282) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 283) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 288) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 284) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 285) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 286) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 287) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 163) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 164)) { SetObjectRot(SFPD2Barrier,0.000000,0,90); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAAAAAAAA, " SFPD barrier opened !"); SetTimer("sfpd2barrierclose",3000, false); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAAAAAAAA," You have to be a Cop/FBI/NG to open this barrier !"); } } if(strcmp("/openngbarrier", cmdtext, true) == 0) { GetPlayerSkin(playerid); if(IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 280) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 281) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 282) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 283) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 288) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 284) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 285) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 286) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 287) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 163) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 164)) { SetObjectRot(NGBarrier,0.000000,0,90); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAAAAAAAA, " NG barrier opened !"); SetTimer("ngbarrierclose",3000, false); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAAAAAAAA," You have to be a Cop/FBI/NG to open this barrier !"); } } if(strcmp("/opensfbarrier", cmdtext, true) == 0) { GetPlayerSkin(playerid); if(IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 280) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 281) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 282) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 283) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 288) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 284) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 285) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 286) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 287) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 163) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 164)) { SetObjectRot(SFPDBarrier,0.000000,0.000000,90); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAAAAAAAA, " SFPD barrier opened !"); SetTimer("sfpdbarrierclose",3000, false); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAAAAAAAA," You have to be a Cop/FBI/NG to open this barrier !"); } } if(strcmp("/openlsgate", cmdtext, true) == 0) { GetPlayerSkin(playerid); if(IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 280) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 281) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 282) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 283) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 288) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 284) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 285) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 286) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 287) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 163) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 164)) { MoveObject(LSPDGate, 1597.288696, -1637.887085, 14.706839, 4.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAAAAAAAA, " LSPD gate opened !"); SetTimer("lspdgateclose",3000, false); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAAAAAAAA," You have to be a Cop/FBI/NG to open this gate !"); } } if(strcmp("/opensfgate", cmdtext, true) == 0) { GetPlayerSkin(playerid); if(IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 280) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 281) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 282) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 283) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 288) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 284) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 285) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 286) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 287) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 163) || IsPlayerSkin(playerid, 164)) { MoveObject(SFPDGatea, -1624.119384, 688.126037, 6.303413, 4.0); MoveObject(SFPDGateb, -1648.143554, 688.126037, 6.303413, 4.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAAAAAAAA, " SFPD gate opened !"); SetTimer("sfpdgateclose",3000, false); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAAAAAAAA," You have to be a Cop/FBI/NG to open this gate !"); } } } public CheckAPGates() { for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (IsPlayerConnected(i)) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(i, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z); if (PlayerToPoint(30.0, i, 1961.634, -2189.7765, 13.553)) // LSA { MoveObject(lsapg1, 1968.697, -2189.776, 13.553, 3); MoveObject(lsapg2, 1954.571, -2189.777, 13.553, 3); SetTimerEx("CloseAPGate", 1000, 0, "ii", 1, i); } if (PlayerToPoint(30.0, i, -1545.6835, -430.7615, 6.039)) // SFA 1 { MoveObject(sf1apg1, -1540.66, -435.786, 6.039, 3); MoveObject(sf1apg2, -1550.709, -425.736, 6.039, 3); SetTimerEx("CloseAPGate", 1000, 0, "ii", 21, i); } if (PlayerToPoint(30.0, i, -1220.491, 61.443, 14.134)) // SFA 2 { MoveObject(sf2apg1, -1226.59, 50.189, 14.134, 3); MoveObject(sf2apg2, -1214.392, 72.697, 14.134, 3); SetTimerEx("CloseAPGate", 1000, 0, "ii", 22, i); } if (PlayerToPoint(30.0, i, 1705.5705, 1607.7935, 10.058)) // LVA { MoveObject(lvapg1, 1703.4, 1600.518, 10.058, 3); MoveObject(lvapg2, 1707.722, 1614.937, 10.058, 3); SetTimerEx("CloseAPGate", 1000, 0, "ii", 3, i); } } } } public CloseAPGate(airportid, playerid) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z); // LSA if (airportid == 1 && !PlayerToPoint(30.0, playerid, 1961.634, -2189.7765, 13.553)) { MoveObject(lsapg1, 1964.342, -2189.776, 13.533, 3); MoveObject(lsapg2, 1958.851, -2189.777, 13.553, 3); } // SFA 1 if (airportid == 21 && !PlayerToPoint(30.0, playerid, -1545.6835, -430.7615, 6.039)) { MoveObject(sf1apg1, -1543.742, -432.703, 6.039, 3); MoveObject(sf1apg2, -1547.625, -428.82, 6.039, 3); } // SFA 2 if (airportid == 22 && !PlayerToPoint(30.0, playerid, -1220.491, 61.443, 14.134)) { MoveObject(sf2apg1, -1222.953, 53.826, 14.134, 3); MoveObject(sf2apg2, -1218.206, 68.883, 14.134, 3); } // LVA if (airportid == 3 && !PlayerToPoint(30.0, playerid, 1705.5705, 1607.7935, 10.058)) { MoveObject(lvapg1, 1704.777, 1605.165, 10.058, 3); MoveObject(lvapg2, 1706.364, 1610.422, 10.058, 3); } } public logoanim() { TextDrawDestroy(logo); SetTimer("logoanim2",5000,false); } public logoanim2() { logo = TextDrawCreate(500.0, 5.0,Text_Logo); TextDrawFont(logo, 0); TextDrawColor(logo,0xD2B586FF); TextDrawLetterSize(logo, 0.7, 1); TextDrawShowForAll(logo); SetTimer("logoanim",5000,false); } public ngbarrierclose() { SetObjectRot(NGBarrier,0.000000,180,90); } public sfpd2barrierclose() { SetObjectRot(SFPD2Barrier,0.000000,90,90); } public lspdbarrierclose() { SetObjectRot(LSPDBarrier,0.000000,89.000000,269.818847); } public sfpdbarrierclose() { SetObjectRot(SFPDBarrier,0.000000,270,90); } public lspdgateclose() { MoveObject(LSPDGate, 1588.265991,-1638.143554,15.014236, 3.0); } public sfpdgateclose() { MoveObject(SFPDGatea, -1631.741455,688.129028,6.303413, 3.0); MoveObject(SFPDGateb, -1639.915405,688.129028,6.303413, 3.0); }