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Any server on sa-mp, move on to GTA online.
Quote: Originally Posted by SickAttack It isn't accurate. More accurate when combined with IP, compared to IP only.
Vince, especially for mysql related stuff.
Add support for SetObjectMaterial
But OPU also stops on alt tab and when player timeout, so its really no good way to detect it.
Is it possible to give a NPC ID descending from GetMaxPlayers?
I never made account saving in .ini files. But i find mysql great to organize on websites and global ig stats.
Yeah, i found on that on wiki. integer that increment every second. So my time there was not good one. And using gettime instead of timers is better, right? Instead of having a timer running, it just ...
Vince, can it be used like this? pawn Код: PlayerSpam[playerid] = GetTime();stock IsPlayerSpamming(playerid){    if(GetTime() - PlayerSpam[playerid] < 30000)        return 1;    return ...
Im using GetTickCount like you made there MP2 in anti command/chat spam. But for other limiters like /takedrugs i use SetTimerEx to make limit to 3 minuttes. Which one are the most efficient? Want to ...
I have time limiters on some commands, 60 - 90seconds and some up to 5 minuttes. Which is better to use? GetTickCount to check time or SetTimerEx( "Function", 90000, 0, "i", playerid );
Use this: pawn Код: CMD:id(playerid, params[]){    new ID, str[64];    if(sscanf(params,"u",ID)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"USAGE: /id [playername]");        format(str, ...
In a cheat; s.o.b*** i noticed there is a prevent SetPlayerHealth. Is there a way to disable that cheat function in script?
HPCheckTimer returns a message to AdminChat like this: pawn Код: "Health Hack test on %s was Positive! Did not lose armour. (By: %s)" pName(Tplayerid), pName(playerid) ); Thats why i use both play...
I have a health check function with IRCCMD. But i run into a little problem there with my function. pawn Код: SetTimerEx("HPCheckTimer",500,0,"iiff",INVALID_PLAYER_ID,Tplayerid,OldHealth, OldArmo...
I have changed the BuyableVehicles to include vehicleid and price now. And the vehicle selection is created, but problem is that it dosent switch to a valid vehicle model when i press < L or R >...
Ok, thanks. But noone else knows this? I want the vehicle browser to be like Skin selection. When i press Right it moves from veh ID 400 to 402, etc..
CHeck that the forward is; forward OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate(vehicleid, playerid);
Thanks for the tip, MP2. But how to browse through my IDs while pressing arrow keys?