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Quote: Originally Posted by RyDeR` Use: pawn Код: mysql_num_rows(MYSQL: handle); ^Thats the best, mine doesn't really make sense when i think about it.
Do your query (insert or delete) house, when delete just -1, when insert +1. If you want a total, then make a query that selects everything, and see effected rows?
Give an example, but I'd say sizeof()?
No not really, because if you store it in a var it will be deleted when he disconnects.
Sure you can something like Код: forward IsAtClothShop(playerid); public IsAtClothShop(playerid) { if(IsPlayerInArea(playerid, Float:minx, Float:maxx, Float:miny, Float:maxy) { // Replace minx,...
If I get your question right, you want to tell the person when he last logged in? In the case, you have to have a file on each connected name (could be login system), and add a field called logged. Wh...
If you make it in an array, it's easier for a beginner to make it an advanced function and add random messages ingame.
Just check if the player is in a checkpoint and if his job is pizzaguy, if he is run the timer.
Код: if (strcmp("/startwork", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) { if(global_array_for_players[playerid][Job]==Pizzaboy) { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Fl...
Add neon? Explain please.
You have to tell us how you define the admins, is it enum or something like that or is it just rcon admins?
You can shorten it one line by typing it like this pawn Код: new TVMan = OnTV[playerid]; And it also looks cleaner
MTA problem: Goto MTA's IRC channel and get help?
I wonder why nobody goes on the sa-mp market insted? -Its made for this stuff.
Quote: Originally Posted by Vince They all have the same chance to be chosen. That's why it is called RANDOM. Random number - A number generated from a large set of numbers, using an algor...
give us the 20 last lines - Give us a part from your script aswell where it saves the name
Well, adminlevel, money and bank etc. is varchar(11) which means that they are strings, you need to make them who contains numbers to intergers.
Quote: Originally Posted by jonnyboy its not so simple to me :I "and where is the tutorials?" and i need a VIDEO one not plain text "i hate to read and i will forgot rlly fast" Mmmh, No...
Offtopic: (JOKE) Are the supposed to sit? LAWL