
hey guys i have 1 question with Last Login on the server.

How i can make last login? that when he logged on the server last time ?

idk exactly how.

Please help !

If I get your question right, you want to tell the person when he last logged in?
In the case, you have to have a file on each connected name (could be login system), and add a field called logged. When the user logout, save the current date to the logged field, and when the user login show the logged field?

No, i want create one variabile where player show when he logged last time.

Model: "Last time : 01/08/2011 20:20" understand

No not really, because if you store it in a var it will be deleted when he disconnects.

Look here how i want make

As Niixie said you have to write it in file.
y_ini for fast writing and reading.

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