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Thanks @Kwarde for all your time and tuts. This is what i wanted to know Code: y_va, doesn't have anything to do with counting the length of a string. Thanks, and nice thing about counting the lengt...
Ok Ok, the tutorial is nice and i learned a lot from it. But i don't think we get the same question :P. I got 'Hello' i have 5 chars but i need to add +1 to work ok ?. Good I want to use a system t...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kwarde This is the case for all strings (unless if you're using the dynamic memory plugin). Strings (arrays) are basically just a bunch of variables. PAWN reads...
Hello. Who know's the YSI/y_va include know's about va_SendClientMessage. I just readed the and in my head i saw something like is counting the characters then use the string +1. Is like ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kwarde I thought so. listitem is not the same as the carid. Let's say you have three results: * Infernus (carid 5)[listitem = 0] * Turismo (carid 9)[listitem =...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kwarde What's the code under OnDialogResponse()? Also: Code: for(new i = 1; i <= cache_num_rows(); i++) I suggest you to use: Code: for (new i, rows = cac...
Hello. I want to do a /v cmd that show's your vehicles that you own. Code: CMD:v(playerid) { new string[128], count; mysql_format(handle, string, sizeof(string), "SELECT * FROM `cars` WHERE `Owne...
So we need to determine every single weapon that will be used in our server ? or we can just put Code: switch (weaponid) { default: { // invalid bullet weapon ...
Done, now it works thx Thx for your help
Hey guys, i have a test cmd that gave me info about how many players haven't login in the past 30 days. The problem is, it shows only if the data in database is stored as year/month/days instead of d...
Hey guys i opened a server on a host and i have all last version of plugins and i get this error. HTML Code: Failed (/usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.19' not found (required by plugins/...
Use them originaly with include make an include like those in pawno/includes and add it where you want in GM like #include <Maps> is the best way.
Hello guys i have a little question, why this system works when i am alone on server but when sm1 joins it get's a little bug my 1st car wont despawn but it says it did like everything is ok but the ...
Hey guys i have a vehicle ownership command everything works perfectly if i am alone on server but if sm1 joins and have a vehicle that he owns his /v wont work properly and my 1st car wont despawn an...
Then rename and have from 1 to 10 instead of 0 to 9 ..
Try something like Код HTML: for(new i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
@Dirda here you go mate Код HTML: // Variable and a Timer that activate the injure system. new Injured[MAX_PLAYERS], Timer:InjureTime[MAX_PLAYERS]; // You need to add this variables and timers ...
Hey guys i have a personal cars system and i have a simple problem but idk how to solve it ... i tryed 100 types of things and nothing works . When i use /v i see my cars evrything is fine but the pr...