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Hey.. I'm making a drift duel system.. 70% done.. I need someone to help me via the reset of the script.. Anyone?
Hey Guys.. So i have this code.. and when i do choose the sex it saves as 0 in the text file. Everything loads well except the sex.. Code: #define Male 788 #define Female 789 - pSex[MAX_SERVER...
Ya i quite agree with that.. but i can't do it with an array, something is going wrong can u do it for me.. not the whole array just a one example and how to put it in the if condition .. i would app...
Hey.. So i have this if and i can't write more conditions if i do then the compiler gives me an error message (2 Long input).. Should i use array ?? with for loop in the if cond.. or what i have tried...
Dam.. This happens every time i ask for help.. i just discovered out the problem.. lol thanks at all >_<.
I don't want random respawn, i asked for the closest hospital.. i could do it random..
Hello there.. so i have this code, and every time i spawn in the fourth element in the array that Fort Carson medical center, How i can fix it? Note: I already declared the variables and it spawns m...
Hello guys, I'm new here.. i'm asking for some help.. i want to convert 2 commands from strcmp to z_cmd (CMD I don't have that much knowledge about CMD i used to script with strcmp only. Here is the f...