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Hey. You need to be able to do some research yourself. Check this part of the forum for scripts people have released. If you want make something yourself, however, you need to work out how it needs...
Hey there. First I'd like to say that making a single dialog page with every vehicle in the game will not work well. You're going to have 211 (around that) lines to show every vehicle, which will ma...
Hello. This pawn Код: Gas[vehicle]--; Reduces the amount of gas in the vehicle by one. If you want it to lower gas at a slower rate, you need to slow down the rate at which the function "CheckG...
Hi. Although I am unable to recommend how to make an object invisable using the material function, an alternative solution would be to use SetPlayerWorldBounds. This will basically prevent the playe...
Hello there. I haven't seen any of your code, so I can't say what variables you are using to store data on the player (e.g. jail time, number of escape attempts), so I shall be writing code that you ...
Hello. If you want all players to be able to enter, then you don't need to check what businesses the player owns. pawn Код: COMMAND:enter(playerid, params[]){    // If a player hasn't logged i...
A few things need to be fixed first: pawn Код: if(strcmp(cmd,"/changenick",true)==0)    {        if(PlayerInfo[playerid][power] >= 10)        {            new tmp[128],nickid;Â...
You've got some extra code on the sscanf line which isn't surrounded by { }. Replace this: pawn Код: if(sscanf(params, "s", value)) SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Syntax: /setringtone [url/ring...
Hello. You need to learn to read the error messages. #1: "Error #1064....near '0.000000', WZ = '0.000000'" It's telling you where the problem is in your query. If you look below this, you can see at ...
Hello. The variable "cmdtext" contains the WHOLE command. E.g. If you typed "/sg hello" cmdtext would equal "/sg hello". Sscanf isn't reporting that it can't find a string because when you type "/sg...
Hello. Could you provide some more information on the files "cars.cfg"? Where is it from? What is it for? What information is in it? What are you trying to do with it?
Well the other thing to do, would be to check under pawn Код: public OnPlayerKeyStateChange Or search for pawn Код: GetPlayerKeys As, if it is the script causing the problem, then the script w...
If you're going to use GetPlayerColor, you need to use SetPlayerColor first (click the link above). If you use the color fix, which has a link on that page, the following code will work: pawn Код...
Quote: Originally Posted by cruising I use SetPlayerColor for all teams when a player spawning. I could not see that in the code you provided. If you have used it, add -FF to the end o...
Try: pawn Код: public OnPlayerConnect(playerid){    new string[128];    format(string, sizeof(string), "%s (ID: %d) has joined the server!", GetPlayerName(playerid),playerid);    SendClientM...
As the others above have said, somewhere above that code you may be missing a } somewhere. This can be found easily by commenting out (see below for example) sections of code, in this case, other comm...
When a player logs into RCON, this callback is called.
That whole one line processes the player typing /Rentbike?
A quote from the wiki article on GetPlayerColor Quote: Important Note: GetPlayerColor will return nothing unless SetPlayerColor has been used! If you want to use the default colou...
The function to change a vehicle's lights status is UpdateVehicleDamageStatus Check your gamemode, filterscripts and includes for this function as this is (I believe) the only way the lights can get c...