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try fix yourslf a bit.. no codes / errors no help the fuck i can get error the whole cmd would be an error if i complie it
Creating vehicles using a text file ? public OnGamemodeInit(); { //Create vehicles Return 1; }
maybe give us error codes ? and // The lines where are the errors omg
Quote: Originally Posted by PainNagato pawn Код: public OnPlayerText(playerid,text[]){    new string[128]; GetPlayerName(playerid,string,sizeof(string));    format(string,sizeof(st...
So i got those OnPlayerText Код: public OnPlayerText(playerid,text[]) { new string[128]; GetPlayerName(playerid,string,sizeof(string)); format(string,sizeof(string),"%s {0000FF}: %s",CheckTAG(p...
Quote: Originally Posted by MrCallum I now get 'Undefined Symbol: ELS' okay so remove the playerid do just ELS() { //Codes } //this one put it where is used such connect/spawn/after ...
OnPlayerText Set fuckin chat color omfg how dumbass you are omfg omfg muum help me i need to deal with idiots today OnPlayerText check if owner set chat color To color you want its not that hard th...
uhm maybe your connection speed low / player speed who fell down or its the host im using on my gamemode over 600k objects at once and all work fine try to Local host & test
check if object its created by rcon admin if not = ban player + destroy the object
try to Replace Quote: public ELS(playerid) With Quote: ELS(playerid) and Quote: forward ELS(playerid); with ELS(playerid); or put К...
u got admin ranks right ? check if is admin (Owner) level and change the color OnPlayerText hope it helps sometimes the smallest Coding and the useless one are cool and usefull !
try using Код: new ELS; // on top of your sctipt Quote: new ELS; forward ELS(playerid); public ELS(playerid) { PlayerTextDrawHide(playerid, Background); PlayerTextDrawHide(play...
it happen when u just in range of mapping ? or when gamemode loads they fell down ? u shall try frezing cars position on like 5ms or depends on map loading
argh fixed used the wrong clickedid omg Used mode == 1; //Dm on the TDM clickid xD
TextDrawSetSelectable(Text:i, 1); Yeah used it under OnPlayerRequestClass but player just spawns and camera keeps on the Class selection omfg :/ with old dialog style works fine with TD won't w...
Sup guys after starting updating and working back on my gamemode , started to have trouble with TextDraws so here are some codes Yes those are clicable when You class request ! Quote: ...
thanks lmaoo just a small thing a big difference .. +REP anyway heh did not used textdraws like a whole year or worked on server
Code: C:\Users\CraTzy\Desktop\Goofy Crew Prject\gamemodes\dmstunt.pwn(988) : warning 213: tag mismatch C:\Users\CraTzy\Desktop\Goofy Crew Prject\gamemodes\dmstunt.pwn(989) : warning 213: tag mismatch...
sup sup sup after long time i am back ti samp after i dumbed up GTA 5 so if i get an free VPS how do i put my server on it ? i got an USB Modem for my conenction so when i shout down my pc internet...
ARK, Rust, DayZ, CS:GO, Garrys mod. Gta V, Witcher 3 most palyed games , Fallour 4, insurgenxy and most kids left cuz school/ adults cuz work .. maybe there will be 10k players in those times i lef...