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Well there's a problem that when there is more than one player the actor become to.. lag or something it's like disappearing and reappearing to fast
Okay so I have a problem in my Linux VPS that when I start a server it logs it says that it's working fine but it's not up for me.. when I type it in my server list.
Okay the problem is just about spending here is the function ! PHP код: public SetPlayerHungerEx(playerid, Float: x, time) {     new Float: health;     if(x > 0)     {...
I'm wondering if there is any tool/website that allows you to attach objects to a Skin and gives you the coordinate for that ?
Actually That's CreateObject and when I use it with the map I have it works good ! but using CreateDynamicObject makes it like that so yeah.. that's why I asked for the reason
Thanks all for your answers but I'll try finding a solution and thanks for your help !
Quote: Originally Posted by ISmokezU I don't know how that function isn't working for you, that's weird. try putting it under your last object. ( That's what i did and it worked. ) or incr...
Try this out .. PHP код: public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid) {    switch(checkpointid)    {        case evaccpp:         {        if(team[pla...
Okay I know that I kept posting threads like this but I don't have a solution yet. However, the problem is that objects are not streaming from a specified distance here's an example. From that distan...
I can't find this function nowhere just in streamer and it's like this.. Код: native Streamer_SetVisibleItems(type, items, playerid = -1);
Okay so As you can see guys streamer problem I'm using CreateDynamicbject I tried editing Draw Distance and streaming distance but the same problem.. Is there any way to fix this ?
Quote: Originally Posted by morris91 Maybe use Streamer_UpdateEx Код: native Streamer_UpdateEx(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1); and if still a littl...
I don't think so because It's the same it's just I don't know can't describe it -.-
I'm trying to add a map using CreateObject but the half of the map is not found IG. And when I switch to CreateDynamicObject the map is streaming slowly like If I'm going to fall.. is there any soluti...
Quote: Originally Posted by Vince If he was to add a hundred items would he have to repeat the same code a hundred times? That would be ridiculous. Use some logic and reason. Try somethin...