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I think this whole state of things and debate is ludicrous. We've reached a point where we are debating whether we should have a new feature... And a totally optional one at that. You, as a server own...
Quote: Originally Posted by Felipe_Freeze Just launch a 0.4DL, where you can add new Cars and Weapons. And see if it will not attract more servers to DL, and will not bring players here. ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Mcc Go to MTA, if you need new animations, sounds and so on. In my opinion you're just lazy, and trying to make SAMP something for which it was not created. ...
Hi, I have recently come by a problem. I was creating a job for my RPG gamemode, and I have to use checkpoints. What happens: I create at first a checkpoint with size 3.5, and in OnPlayerEnterCheckpo...
Salut SA:MP! Astazi am decis sa postez un gamemode facut de mine: KroNix - Protect the President ( KroNix pentru ca a fost facut pentru KroNix). Ce e Protect the President? Protect the President es...
PlayerInfo[playerid][pBank] += suma; PlayerInfo[playerid][pBank] = Variabila in care salvezi banii din banca; suma = salariul de la job;
Код: if(strcmp(cmd, "/makeadmin", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx); if(!strlen(tmp)) { SCM(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "{B8DBFF}Synthax...