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Hi all, I have a players table inside sqlite with the column id - PK NN AI. I use db_get_field_assoc() to get the id value using my query result variable and set it to my players variable, like so:...
Quote: Originally Posted by davidstyle1125 Hello, Could you guys explain what is the diffrences between "Return False" and "Return Right"... Or you if got good tutorial about that.. please...
Quote: Originally Posted by Dusan01 Hi guys, it is possible to make in pawno to get data from web about temparature in my city? i have and it look like this:...
Great tutorial Macluawn, It works with Sublime Text 3 too.
Quote: Originally Posted by BroZeus That solved my problem, thanks a lot.
Quote: Originally Posted by Derexi I appreciate your help, but this isn't what I'm looking for. I've already made a system that counts and saves players' online time in seconds. I now want...
Hello Derexi, You could create a column named connected_time (integer) (default to 0) inside your players table and save the data in seconds, OnPlayerConnect you get the current time and set it to y...
fasdfasd you need to change your translator
Hello Dark_Fener, I don't think you got my problem, I want to show my custom view (using SetCamera functions) but I want to hide the spawn buttons too and the only way is to set the player to spectat...
Hello LeXuZ, You could use the GetPlayerState function. Quote: new playerState = GetPlayerState(i); if(playerState != PLAYER_STATE_NONE) { ...
Hello again, use the GetPlayerIp(playerid, name[], len) to get the ip address from a player. The second parameter is the variable name where to store the pla...
Hello guys, I want to hide the spawn buttons while the player is under the Login dialog, with a little search I found out the TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, toggle) function, so I put it under the ...
Hello kampuman, as long as I know you need to use the format() function to format the string before pass it to the ShowPlayerDialog function, example: new string[128]; format(string, sizeof(string),...
I think i have the same problem here; I can successfully use these two functions (SetPlayerCameraPos and SetPlayerComeraLookAt) to generate the view I want, but whenever i use the function TogglePlaye...