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Quote: Originally Posted by ReApZ warnings are nothing to be afraid of you will still get the .amx files I know, but i need to get off this warning.
Can someone please help me with this? (185) : warning 225: unreachable code Quote: // Display a message if the player hasn't accepted the rules yet if (APlayerData[playerid][...
Quote: Originally Posted by malaka This is already possible, just enter the house, type /housemenu and select the option to sell it. That's all. I mean sell house to other players not f...
Hello, can someone tell me how to make a small thing like if the player whanna sell his house to other player he just type /sellhouse or in the house menu to set his house for sale. Sorry, bad English...
Hello, can someone tell me how to make a small thing like if the player whanna sell his house to other player he just type /sellhouse or in the house menu to set his house for sale. Sorry, bad English...
Hello, Can somebody tell me how to make not real world clock, but virtual, like san andreas time (1sec = 1min)?