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So, i've got all set up. My laptop's ipv4 is (cmd > ipconfig) The camera's IP address is apparently set / configured to ( which seems to be IPV4 too, whatever you call...
How do i contact paypal? What is their main customer care email? Thanks ✈
Quote: Originally Posted by ev0lution PayPal can answer your questions. They will have instructions on what you have to do to remove account limitations, which is usually something like se...
Someone have refunded me a while ago, Then i tried to send payment (i guess 1-2 hours after the payment was refunded) It says "We're sorry, but we can't send your payment right now." Then i keep sendi...
Quote: Originally Posted by justjamie By colors, do you mean the color of the player nametag? Yes, its SetPlayerColor(playerid, HEX); right? But when i entered 0xFFFFF Its not showi...
Quote: Originally Posted by oMa37 PHP код: if(sscanf(params, "iH(0xFFFFFFFF)", family, color))  [20:12:32] AdmCmd: Yasubo has set gang ID 1's bandana to 'H'.
Quote: Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi 0xffffffff What do you mean?
Quote: Originally Posted by Akbaig lol Change this PHP код: format(string, sizeof(string), "AdmCmd: %s has set gang ID %d's bandana to '%x'.", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid...
UPDATE: i was able to make gangcolor as local variable inside /bandana command but it did not help.
Quote: Originally Posted by Konstantinos An example would be: pawn Код: "UPDATE Accounts SET faction=0 WHERE faction=1;" Another one could have been Foreign Key Constraints but that wo...
How do i purge a faction from MYSQL? (( Remove all members on faction from MySQL query )) . Is there any way on how to run a SQL query that checks for each Account if his faction=1 then make it facti...
Hello, i've made /bandana and /setgangcolor yesterday BUT When /setgangcolor <FAMILY_ID> 00FF000 , it says Quote: "AdmCmd: %s has set gang ID %d's bandana to 'FF000'." Why...
Quote: Originally Posted by Konstantinos So you want to create those vehicles and set their engine to 0? That would be: pawn Код: // global: new lsvehicles[417];// OnGameModeInit:lsve...
Quote: Originally Posted by Eth add anything to delete this warning, like: pawn Код: ZCMD:hi(playerid,params[]){new float:x;new float:y;new float:z;GetPlayerPos(playerid,x,y,z);CreateV...
Quote: Originally Posted by Konstantinos If you just want to add those vehicles and do nothing with them, then don't assign the vehicleid to lsvehicles and remove the variable. In case yo...
hi, i make Код: new lsvehicles; Код: lsvehicles = AddStaticVehicleEx(519,1806.1066,-2406.8108,14.4731,220.1901,-1, -1, VEHICLE_RESPAWN); lsvehicles = AddStaticVehicleEx(519,1851.0873,-2397....
Quote: Originally Posted by Bingo Adding under which callback? OnGameModeInit
When i add this Код: CreateObject(987, 2193.7, -1766.1, 15, 0, 0, 268.852); CreateObject(987, 2193.5, -1778, 15, 0, 0, 268.852); CreateObject(987, 2193, -1790, 15, 0, 0, 268.852); CreateObjec...
Quote: Originally Posted by SickAttack Yes, but you'll have to make some adjustments so that the code could read it and store it into the string, but If you're going to use it for that the...
Quote: Originally Posted by SickAttack pawn Код: #define FILEPATH "/FileName.cfg" // Path within FamilyColor[MAX_PLAYERS]; // Variable were the color will be stored. /...