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Quote: Originally Posted by iZN Blame the server's staff not SA-MP. If they're banning you for using aim bot and you're not actually using it so it's obviously the staff's fault because th...
The aimbot thing will keep going, suspecting every skilled player and then boom, gets banned for nothing. Main reason is that so...And dming for skilled players isn't even possible because of that aim...
The 0.3z update is getting really hated by nearly everyone. Everyone downloads aimbot. Skilled players gets banned. The optional lag comp fucked up, every server's using it. Shit load of friends l...
Same question, what's the weather/time combi?
Delete this folder: Start -> Documents -> GTA SA user files That folder sometimes causes troubles (Make a backup of screenshots if you need them).
Delete this whole folder: Start -> Documents -> GTA SA user files and reconnect to the server and try it out again, if it won't help update your mouse drivers or the last possibility, your mouse...
Battlefield is anyway thousand times better than CoD, in CoD you don't need to think. You'll get armored by guns and have to shoot on everything which moves. In battlefield you can use your mind and t...
Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate. The game is amazing, create nearly such graphics then we can keep talking. They had heavy problems with making that game but no one cares. everyone wants to e...
Mauzen, I know sarcasm is hard through internet but you should get that it was sarcasm. Alright then, thanks for your help guys. Can be locked.
It's not, I use it like a codename everywhere and then after registering I change it.
It would be just amazing if we could change our names every 30 days or something, I thought I will be able to change it after registering my username but no way, I have a lot of friends here who I kno...
Aww you're welcome brother. Honestly it is helly hard to get some reputation especially when you have nothing to do with scripting or doesn't know how to...As Boni already have said though, most reput...
Agreed fully with Danny. Scripting that shouldn't be that hard unless you're alone which will take hella time I guess.