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Here's Ipleomax's textdraw creator, all you need is to read the information, upload the script to your server and start creating your textdraw. It's simple.
Thanks @ScripteRNaBEEL and @billy123321! And thanks for your suggestion, i'll might implant that in the other updates and make some more spots to teleport to.
Hi there! This is an teleport menu I've created with Clickable Textdraw. It have token me around 6-8 hours to create as I'm a newbie in scripting. This is my first release I've done so far, and I hope...
so I got to make the TextDrawSize smaller then the original and add one line instead of 2 lines beside each other?
This video shows the bug and helps me explain my problem. Link to the video of the bug - ******* I would be happy if someone could help me out
ehm, if I go and try to tp to the bank do I teleport into Fishing Docks instead, if I move my mouse to the left of the textdraw (outside the textdraw) can I choose to teleport in all fields at the rig...
Hi, I'm creating my first gamemode as I'm a beginner in scripting, now I've tried to add a teleport textdraw followed from tutorial: from @Hiddos b...
Searching scripter Hi, I want an scripter for an RP server, the current script i have is an awesome one and it has many years of hard work. I got the script when the server Community closed down. Wel...
Hi, I've added a new textdraw on my server/script. I builded the textdraw by: ipleomax's textdraw builder. I added it into my server (That I builded ofc) and I got no errors, Код: vehOnPlaye...
If you mean u can't login after registration and relog, i got an fixed version on it. All you need is to edit the MySQL information and enjoy! (3.4 right?) PM me and i'lll send you the fixed version!
I added the ......... Just to save space and be more easier to read. I havent added any.... In the real code. But when complie it set an error in "OnPlayerLogin(playerid);"
Hi, i have tried to update my script abit, uploaded the script with warning 202 (warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition) and the whole server crashed because of this error. hereґ...