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Hi! You can use the SA-MP 0.3 functions related to objects. I wrote a little list for you: • CreateObject • SetObjectMaterialText • EditObject • DestroyObject • MoveObject For a system equ...
Hi! I can't save a HEX Value with INI_WriteHex. The Hex Value: 0x008800FF The saved value: 0x8800FF Can anyone or ****** help me please? Thanks!
Quote: Originally Posted by Lynn Create a DM Script from scratch, before creating a RP Script. As if you can't create a vehicle system, you may have bit more then you can chew. I can cr...
Hi! I'm developing a RP GM from scratch, but not having an idea for create a vehicle system, I've created a system bugged, and I deleted it (1000 strings!!!!). Now I need a good idea for a efficent ve...
If you don't use the variable 'size', the pawn show you the warning. For the ReLoAdBox you must check if you have a function in the script called "ReLoAdBox", select 'Find' and type 'public ReLoAdBox'...
Quote: Originally Posted by Roel You don't need a single knowledge about PHP if you are using MySQL in sa-mp. You must know how use the query, and I know that query is part of PHP. Mayb...
SA-MP files: Very slow and difficult. Dini: Slow but easy. Y_Ini: Fast and easy. MySQL: Very fast, not intricacy but difficult and need PHP knowledge (low but need). __________________________________...
Quote: Originally Posted by Bible When I disconnect and connect again, I don't get unjailed. You must set the timer for unjail when the player connect! - Read the variable of JailTime ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Cineva If the truck's attached trailer with id (435) receive a sum of money and if the trailer is 450 t...
You must declare the variable "PlayerInfo". At the head of gamemode: enum pInfo { pPosedovanjeFirme2 } new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][pInfo];
Quote: Originally Posted by [WSF]ThA_Devil You have ) instead of } for bracket... after first return 1; in OnPlayerTakeDamage What? Can you write the correct script for me? I'm italian ...
Ok, look With OnPlayerTakeDamage and Script: With OnPlayerTakeDamage but without the internal script! It running! The warning is mine, i can remove it! Why with the internal script it release ma...
Ok but the function with or without the forward not function, please help me!
Yes, all includes are updated, i've readed online that is for YSI, but I've updated YSI!
Code: forward OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart); public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart) { if(weaponid == 0 &&...
Quote: Originally Posted by ****** You need to write it to a global variable, you can't use locals or pvars. Is it right? THE CMD Код: CMD:offban(playerid, params[]) { new user[5...
Only use the coordinates if you want the sound to be played at a certain position. Set coordinates all to 0 to just play the sound. The ID 50050 is in ...
I want load a variable (UserInfo[playerid][Banned]) and Set the value of that variable at admin. PHP код: CMD:offban(playerid, params[]) {      new user[50], path[128], string[350], ...