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Add multi-purpose pickups like MTA. - switch vehicle -> changes the vehicle you're driving into the vehicle specified for that pickup WITHOUT slowing you down(keep velocity). - Nitro -> gives n...
Why not just load them dynamically from an SQLite database? or some other saving system.
pawn Код: Health[i] = TextDrawCreate(566.000000, 67.000000, "100%");    TextDrawBackgroundColor(Health[i], 255);    TextDrawFont(Health[i], 1);    TextDrawLetterSize(Health[i], 0.219999, 0.8...
You must first get the player's health, store it in a variable and then add the lost amount to it that. pawn Код: new Float:health = GetPlayerHealth(damagedid); // health might be given as parame...
Its been a long time since I used y_ini, but I dont believe you have to use parsefile for something like this, only when you dont know the filename etc in advance you should use parsefile.
Anybody who's having problems with running this on windows 10, and the plugin fails to load. Quote: Originally Posted by Alex Magaсa Install this to "server folder". found it somewher...
dat submarine doe LOL. nice idea, looks pretty cool
Also, why do you put integers between quotes('%d')? just put them as %d. ONLY put strings between single quotes, like: '%s'
Quote: Originally Posted by Ahmad45123 Number 2 because natives are alot faster then PAWN coding. So, if I add 10 SCM in 1 loop, and loop it 10 times, is it still faster or does it slow...
I wonder though, what would be faster/more efficient, nr 1 or nr 2? Nr 1: PHP код: for( new i = 0; i < 100; i++ ){    SendClientMessageToAll( -1, " " );}  Nr 2: PHP ...
Quote: Originally Posted by PhilippineGangsta I will check my classes BTW what you mean by faulty world bounds? It means that the place of class selection(or spawn) is far outside the w...
Why name the gamemode to something like that, lol. try changing the gamemode name, see what happens.
Ingame: Press ESC -> Options -> Audio settings -> Radio Make sure radio isn't 0(all the bars dark)
under OnGameModeInit: PHP код: SendRconCommand( "language your_language_here" ); 
Why don't you use the new 0.3.7 island objects to create the base?
Quote: Originally Posted by Michael B They were posted in the codes I provided. Logging: PHP код:             new tmppass[64];              //Store Playe...
pawn Код: OnPlayerRegister(playerid,tmppass);                 OnPlayerLogin(playerid,tmppass); show us these 2 functions please.