Racing system - features

I've been thinking for days now that it is time to release the racing system I have re-written over 10 times the last couple of years and it sure suits my needs but I would like to know what you people would like to see to a system as that.

The system is multi-race and is using MySQL. It cannot be released before R40 gets released as the script has already been updating to the new version (thanks to Pain123/maddinat0r for letting me test the plugin). It is currently saving the time a player has finished a race according to the user ID so it requires a register/login system too. Unfortunately making a filterscript and saving according to player's name is not an option as the queries are enough complex and nobody would like to slow them down. Changing the name of the player will also not affect the other tables. Along with being able to race, a race editor has been added as well. You can pretty much do everything with it:

- Editing name, vehicle of race.
- Deleting specific checkpoint(s) with offsets and limits (easily can remove for example checkpoint 8 and 9) for a specific race.
- Deleting race time for a single player for a specific race.
- Deleting race times between a specific range for a specific race.
- Deleting race record or all race times for a specific race.

There's a configuration about deleting any race time is not in the top 10, that means it can be toggled. Useful for those who want to keep the top 10 updated if few spots are removed.

One of the most important feature: race top keeps only the best time a player has in a specific race. No duplicates and can display 10 different players to the top 10 instead of spamming the list.

I know some people prefer to freeze the races during the countdown, others don't so it can be set as well along with whether to show where the next checkpoint would be.

I need suggestions and things that can be easily configured and keep it "friendly-user". I appreciate any of the comments.

Maybe make a vehicle pickup, i mean like MTA carpickups, when you pick it your car will be changed, also, Bonus pickups, like give you Nitro, repair car, other stuffs...

/race (Main command, will return guide on how to use the command if nothing else is written here)
/race create - Will give a dialog with options on race settings, such as how many people will race, what vehicle to race in, if NOS is allowed, if /mod is allowed, if there are respawns etc etc.
/race spawn [ID] - Will create a race spawn, so say /race spawn 1 will create the first race position, then /race spawn 2 will have the second. Use sscanf here, so simple if(sscanf(params, "s[50]d", option, number) as an example for this one.
/race invite [playerid]
/race kick [playerid]
/race bet [Amount] - Create a max amont and have default on 0. You could add this to the dialog as well for /race create, up to you
/race end - Only the player that created the race can use this BEFORE the race has started.
/race leave - Option for the player to leave the race.
/race start - Everything must be set up and a minimum of so and so many players must be invited. There should be a period of maybe 30 seconds before the race actually starts, so use a timer. This is to allow other players to /race leave in case the leader has been a dick and placed the race spawn points away from eachother.

So you'll have to choose where they start, where they end up, check that the leader doesnt put the spawns away from eachother (So check xyz coordinates - Could check how far each point is away from the end point).
Also remember to reset variables that arent needed.

To make everything easy, use an enum to keep track of information, so say
new races[MAX_PLAYERS][enum race_information] that maybe consists of the information:
VehicleIDs[] - for respawn options
VehicleType - what vehicle
Bet. ...
etc etc

Add multi-purpose pickups like MTA.

- switch vehicle -> changes the vehicle you're driving into the vehicle specified for that pickup WITHOUT slowing you down(keep velocity).
- Nitro -> gives nitro
- Boost -> gives a speed boost( should be configurable per pickup ).
- Jump -> makes your vehicle jump(should also be configurable per pickup)
- Repair -> repairs vehicle
- Perks -> perks like planting an explosive barrel at the spot where the player currently is by pressing LMB, etc.

adding cop actors would be prefect

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