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I use Proboards. No forum will give you unlimited data for free. It costs them money to host the data. Unless you run an smf webserver, you aren't getting unlimited data.
It should look something like this: Код: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Player Statistics","Kills: \n Deaths:\n Money:\n Admin Level:\n Rank:\n","OK",""); Code from the website:...
Nice job man. This looks awesome.
Hello, I think your problem may be that you have interfering mods. Remove all of your recently added CLEO mods. If you don't use CLEO, it may be a map mod causing the problem.
Alright, I am having trouble connecting to UIF. I can connect to all other servers, but UIF does not show up. It says Retrieving Info... It has worked for me before. Please help!
I am not trying to advertise, but what happened to UIF forum? Are the forums down or is it just me?
This sounds like fun. Great job