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I had this before, and it would also spawn burnt out car shells along with CJ armed with an SMG
This happened on my server today as well, the chat logs show the person typing "{00FFFF} hi all " but when I try that it doesn't work. The {00FFFF} dissapears, but it doesn't colour the text.
You need to make /carry [playerid] trigger a timer that sets the position of the person being carried to the person who is carrying every second or so - but make sure that you factor in things like in...
Update : Код: for(new i = 0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { for(new p = 0; p<MAX_PLAYERS; p++) { for(new a = 0; a<MAX_PLAYERS; a++) { if(gPlayerData[p][ID] == 255) { ...
Hey, I need help with something. Can anyone show me how to assign every player in a server with a random ID, from 0 to however many players there are? I'm trying not to use a loop that keeps going ar...
Quote: Originally Posted by cj101 In my login script, i have everyones ip to save.. however it ends up saving as for all. Here's code: Код: new ip[90]; GetPlayerIp(pla...
format(string, sizeof(string), "[!] Admin %s has promoted you to a level %s admin!", sendername, result); //LINE 360 !! try that
Quote: Originally Posted by Dr1ftEE I don't want to look like a smartass but I have 1 smartass question... Why do people always re-script scripts already scripted? LOL for the lols
Hi, I'm sure all the experienced sa-mp coders will turn their noses up at my filterscript, but meh. It's a simple little contribution I am making . Features : - 3 Different chat commands (/say, /w(...
Quote: Originally Posted by dice7 You need to save the last location info into a file and then load it. And It crashes, because the parameters in pawn Код: SetPlayerPos(playerid,Playe...
Код: new tmp[3]; tmp=GetPlayerSkin(playerid); if( (tmp == 280) || (tmp == 281) || (tmp == 282) || (tmp == 283) || (tmp == 288) || (tmp == 284) || (tmp == 285) ) { (open gate stuff) } else { SendCl...
Quote: Originally Posted by Klutty Quote: Originally Posted by Hecky And while we're at it, if any SF-riot associates are reading this, we could really do with some more admins...
And while we're at it, if any SF-riot associates are reading this, we could really do with some more admins on the server. There are times when there are gangs of hackers around which completely ruins...
Hey, I'm a frequent player at the San Fierro Riot server, my username there is Flash_Gordon and I play several hours a day for the last few months. However! Yesterday I noticed that it's gone offline...