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Old thread but still relevant. I believe the range is to delete this object within x range so i would not recommend increasing this thinking it will increase the distance its no longer visible from H...
NL Roleplay Developing a unique server -- looking for fellow sa-mp members who are willing to dedicated to NL Roleplay Quick briefProject already under way starting from a blank slate; drafting out t...
if you have the same problem with a vpn but not with your mobile phone its odd, but gut feeling tells me its local. Have you tried disabling antiviruses and firewalls? Id also make sure to manually de...
This is interesting, this is a few years ago but I ran a script that did this with no issue but another option here to stay clear of this issue is to destroy the vehicle in "OnVehicleSpawn" with a var...
Are you using a roleplaying name? E.g John_Doe
Quote: Originally Posted by Onfroi The one I was working on, but never got enough time to keep working on it. Basically a roleplay with entertainment, people always resort to DM on rolepla...
You would use GetPlayerVehicleID(); and GetVehicleModel(); in an for loop to check if the player is in an certain vehicle or not. There is another thread like this here.
A few times, I have run into this situation of commands not working for no reason. Example, In this situation i did have /vstorage working. Without changes to the command itself (I have been developin...