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Hi, I'm trying to make the server send a message to the discord channel once it shuts down. Currently I'm testing it on my local PC and I tried to demo a crash by closing the terminal that runs the s...
Your query is invalid. PHP код: "INSERT INTO `users` (`name`,`password`,`online`,`registered`,`level`,`ip`,`age`,`country`,`godine`,`skin`,`gps`,`learned`,`registerdate`) VALUES('%s','%s',...
Quote: Originally Posted by Gammix With textdraw on full screen its not possible. But a smart way is using camera, Set player camera facing a Black wall. Haven't thought of that, are t...
Quote: Originally Posted by GoldenLion That's not possible. I have seen it in a server; They used a black background and the HUD was visible.
The textdraw is a full background. It's black and it takes the full screen size. I want it to be displayed beneath the hud and not above it.
Hello, I got a textdraw that is using a black box as a background, and as a result of that the background is blocking the main HUD. For example when a player uses the command:/use, the textdraw appea...
Quote: Originally Posted by Vince Do you also destroy the textdraw when the player disconnects? PlayerTextDraw is automatically destroyed on disconnect, regular TextDraw is NOT. I think yo...
Quote: Originally Posted by JasonRiggs Show us how do you show and hide them, make sure that you are using TextDrawShow and TextDrawHide tho, and add the textdraw creating stuff under OnPl...
Hello, I've got several questions regarding TextDraws. 1. In my server, at some point, all of the textdraws go missing. I'm not sure what causes this. I'm pretty sure you guys cant know either from m...
Hi, I'm trying to use the following code in order to ensure a player's death in the explosion. Код: CreateExplosionEx(playerid, x,y,z, 1, 250.0); Previously I used CreateExplosion and it didn't ki...
Quote: Originally Posted by FuNkYTheGreat, There are various samp explosions, You can try it some is too large or some small, OR A best way to...
Hello, I'm trying to script a system to track alternative accounts(for example if I issue an IP ban on a player I want to see if he's back and evading). What are your tips(not asking for codes or an...
Is there a way to adjust the amount of damage an explosion gives(CreateExplosion)?
Hello, Is there an alternative for GPCI? Or maybe an include that fixes it? At the moment I'm using it in my server in order to track alternative accounts based on their serial keys(Yes, I know its no...
Hi, I want to display an info box to a player incase he's very close to a vehicle. Which callback would you recommend using? I thought of using OnPlayerUpdate but I'd rather not handle it if avoidable...
Hi, I'm using the following timer to set a repetitive checkpoint; PHP код: PlayerTemp[playerid][CPTimer] = SetTimerEx("TracenCP", 2000, true, "dd", playerid, targetID);  This is th...
PHP код: if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "PlayerAdminLevel") < GetPVarInt(lookupid, "PlayerAdminLevel")) { SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You cannot ban this player!"); return 1; } 
If it helps identify the problem; once I leave the vehicle it disappears and spawns back(it actually drops from the sky) in the same place it was at the begining.
Quote: Originally Posted by Arthur Kane What do you mean spawns? Like, creating vehicles themselves? I'm pretty sure it isn't possible to sync vehicles with the server using cheats. The...