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Appreciated, feel free to PM me if you need any more help
Use a variable and add 1 to it every time a player kills another player. Display that variable in /stats. More information can be found in this link. PHP код: new PlayerKillCount[MAX_PLAYERS]...
Not too sure what you're trying to ask us, however try replacing this: PHP код: `vllave1` or vllave2` or vllave3`  To this: PHP код: `vllave1` or `vllave2` or `vllave3`  ...
Planning a new company requires you to research the prices as well. If you have been planning your company for a few months then I doubt you have prepared thoroughly enough if you are unaware of the c...
Hello. I've got a question about the random() function. If I have this: Код: new randomnumber = random(1, 4) Does this mean "randomnumber" has the possibility to be either 1, 2, 3 or 4? Or does i...
Both of the SAMP servers are hosted on the same IP and therefore the same server. This is normal. The problem is that in the configuration file both servers just have the same port. It's a very simpl...
Quote: Originally Posted by Joron Rep+ for my help.... first create a vip system learn to make a dialog then u have to have paypal account via donations .... Well first of all you asked...
I mean as in automatic donations, like it adds a code to a database and then on the server people can try and use a code. The sa-mp server can then query the database to see if the code is correct and...
Hello. I'm looking for a donation system like the one below. The only difference, though, is that I want the codes to be added when someone donates and give...
Seems a bit weird how you can log into a social networking site with another social networking site (********)
Hey guys. I was wondering if there was any easy way to make fields in SQLite? Like is there a way to execute SQL to make a table or add those fields? I have like 200-300 player variables that I need t...
I've also had multiple account bugs, people getting the wrong passwords, people's accounts being mixed up and stuff. Would this fix it?
Hey guys. I've been looking at tutorials and I'm going to try and change from Y_INI to MySQL. Firstly I'd like to ask if it's a good idea and secondly I want to ask whether the MySQL server has to be ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Gazzy Hey guys. I was wondering how I could make an SMS system with dialogs. Does it look like I requested the code from anyone? I wanted someone to tell me ...
I mean with dialogs, not just commands.
Hey guys. I was wondering how I could make an SMS system with dialogs. When the player enters a number in the first dialog and a second dialog is displayed, how do I take both the number and the SMS t...
It means that there's a few bugs in your script or there is a bug that's too big for the compiler to handle, so it just crashes.
Hey guys. I know there is a way to have 1 or 2 buttons for dialogs but is there any way to have more buttons on a message box dialog? Thanks!
Stop spamming your own thread and wait for an answer. Also, you'd be better posting this in the Languages section of the forum
USB flash drive or external harddrive