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Hi, I had suppressed SAMP from my routine due to some personal stuff I was occupied with, I come back again. I need some help in reviving my skills. I have a MySQL table 'characters' where all the i...
If I'm got you right, you mean in chat, you want to show the ID of the mask that you set randomly? Inside the OnPlayerText, format the string with the id you randomly set for masked person. pawn К...
Most likely, you don't have correct gamemode name set up in server.cfg file. Show us your server.cfg file.
I have my RP Script which is completely unique. I need a team for it. I just wanna work as scripter..
Use for loop and check how many players are on from the team. pawn Код: new TeamPlayerCount;for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++){    if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)){        if(Team[i] =...
I think this should help you out.
Quote: Originally Posted by Vince What is the source of this string, if I may ask? Where is it generated? I'm actually using the getdate function but I can't put the comma in the format...
Go through this tutorial and also look into your script how it's saving and loading all the player data. You basically wanna add a column in your user file and give it value of the id of your purchase...
I've got a string which is already been made, I don't have data in pieces like day, month and year.
Quote: Originally Posted by lonalovegood1 you must set another timer into your function to tell the players that server will restart in next maybe 5 or 10 minuets ... and also increase the...
You don't add, you remove one. Here is the edited code. Quote: Originally Posted by Conradus There you go: pawn Код: dcmd_aveh(playerid, params[]){        new Float:X, Float:Y, Fl...
Hi, I've got a string that I wanna edit, is there any function for that? Lets say I've got a string '25 Apr 2014' which I wanna edit to '25 Apr, 2014' (adding comma after Apr). Can someone help me ou...
You don't have GivePlayerValidWeapon defined.. Add this in the bottom of your script. pawn Код: stock GivePlayerValidWeapon(playerid,weaponid,ammo){    if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid){      ...
I've a variable which saves the organization's ID, pInfo[playerid][PlayerOrg]. Isn't this same thing as saving in SQL table. Every org has member1 - member10 field which saves the data in.
I've been trying to create memberlist system which show all the members in specific organization. SetOrgMember stock pawn Код: stock SetOrgMember(playerid,orgid){    if(!strcmp(OrgInfo[orgid]...
Tried already and they're fine.
pawn Код: CMD:buyprop(playerid,params[]){    if(pInfo[playerid][pHouse] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY,"You cannot buy more than one house.");    for(new i = 1; i < MAX_...
Thanks so much.. That makes a lot more sense!