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Have you defined the enum variable as a float type? Your logic in your code may increment in float percentages so that would explain why it does not change when set to an integer.
Quote: Originally Posted by Meller really? It's to write 3 letters in the console: gmx done. After a deployment and running unit tests pass, the gamemode will automatically be restarted...
Quote: Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi Maybe they're not respawning, but you're having your Virtual World switched... Good suggestion! Look through your script for anything that is calle...
You say you've found them, have you altered the default values of them too? - Firewire.
When your gamemode first initialises it will use a mysql_connect call to a host defined in your gamemode. Connect to that using the username and password (do not post them in here). Thanks, Firewire...
Hello IDomo! Can you please send a screenshot of your database structure displaying the fields 'banned' and also 'active'. This happens because the Strict Trans Mode is enabled in your mysql.ini fil...
Call it through a function instead. pawn Код: forward MoveDynamicObjectEx(objectID, loc_vec[], rot_vec[], speed);public MoveDynamicObjectEx(objectID, loc_vec[], rot_vec[], speed){    new debugS...
Exactly what Jake said, this could also be down to a poorly scripted gamemode or scriptfiles not being read. Try both of those and let us know how it goes. Firewire.
Hello there, You could be using a corrupt AMX which may be solved be re-uploading the file through FTP in Binary Mode. I also suggest that you unzip your gta-sa server package through SSH. Also I s...
I would love to see this working on a linux platform. Great work so far!
You can simply get the amount of houses you own by making a loop through all loaded and check if the house matches your username, if it does. Return the house ID. The way you can only own one is due ...
Then you must do a SELECT statement to see if anyone's apartment ID corresponds to the deleted apartment and set it to 0. Then your problem will not exist any more. Hope that helps. - Firewire.
You should call a separate function on a timer after the death, this will allow a time gap in-between to pass the default death screen by SAMP and allow you to enable an anim after.
165 Post in here, people will be more than happy to help you. Hope I helped. - Firewire. EDIT: PrivatioBoni beat me to it.
Not really sure what you're asking for but you can save accounts using the `UPDATE` part of MySQL. Looking at both of your pictures it's apparent that your information is saving and not just inserting...
Because you haven't: 1) Installed the correct plugins and added them in your plugins folder and made a line called plugins in your server.cfg 2) You haven't added the file name on the gamemode line ...
pawn Код: public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]) {     new Text[144]; // Also make a new string if that's not been defined elsewhere in the script.     format(String,sizeof(String),"%s says: %...
OnPlayerSpawn: pawn Код: SetPlayerTeam(playerid, 1); // If the player with the team 1 shoots another player in team 1, no damage will be conflicted. pawn Код: public OnPlayerTakeDamage(player...
Do you mean mapped ones? Or ones you like? You can do both, just change the co-ordinates to where you want it to be.
There are plenty of examples on the SA:MP forum which teach and show you how to make one. I suggest; to convert your users over, load them from the file if the MySQL user doesn't exist in the table, ...