MoveDynamicObject (Function passes incorrect Value)

I have two functions, when I pass through "1" into a function, when it comes out to the other side it comes out as "0" no matter what number I pass it originally.

I've debugged both sides and it's always correct outside of the function and incorrect on the inside.

stock MoveMoveableObject(obj[], obj_size){
	new MoveableObject[Class_MoveableObject];
	Utils_ArrayEqualsArray(MoveableObject, obj, sizeof(MoveableObject), obj_size);

	if(MoveableObject[bCanBeMoved] == true){
		new ObjectID = MoveableObject[objectID];
		if(MoveableObject[bIsInStartState] == true){
			MoveDynamicObjectEx(ObjectID, MoveableObject[endLocation], MoveableObject[endRotation], 3.0);
			MoveableObject[bIsInStartState] = false;

			new debugString[128];
			format(debugString, sizeof(debugString), "ObjectID: %d", ObjectID);
			SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFF, debugString);
		} else {
			MoveDynamicObjectEx(ObjectID, MoveableObject[startLocation], MoveableObject[startRotation], 3.0);
			MoveableObject[bIsInStartState] = true;
		Utils_ArrayEqualsArray(obj, MoveableObject, sizeof(MoveableObject), obj_size);
	} else {
stock MoveDynamicObjectEx(objectID, loc_vec[], rot_vec[], speed){
	new debugString[128];
	format(debugString, sizeof(debugString), "ObjectID: %d || LocX: %f || LocY: %f || LocZ: %f || Speed: %f ((IsMoving: %b))", objectID, loc_vec[x], loc_vec[y], loc_vec[z], speed, IsObjectMoving(objectID));
	SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFF, debugString);

	MoveDynamicObject(2, loc_vec[x], loc_vec[y], loc_vec[z], speed, rot_vec[x], rot_vec[y], rot_vec[z]);
The bug is in the "MoveDynamicObjectEx" function and the variable is "objectID". No matter what number I pass it, it's value is always 0 inside the function.

Bump. I've been trying to debug this and there's no reason in my script why it should be changing, any idea of a work around?

Call it through a function instead.

pawn Код:
forward MoveDynamicObjectEx(objectID, loc_vec[], rot_vec[], speed);
public MoveDynamicObjectEx(objectID, loc_vec[], rot_vec[], speed)
    new debugString[128];
    format(debugString, sizeof(debugString), "ObjectID: %d || LocX: %f || LocY: %f || LocZ: %f || Speed: %f ((IsMoving: %b))", objectID, loc_vec[x], loc_vec[y], loc_vec[z], speed, IsObjectMoving(objectID));
    SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFF, debugString);
    MoveDynamicObject(2, loc_vec[x], loc_vec[y], loc_vec[z], speed, rot_vec[x], rot_vec[y], rot_vec[z]);
    return true;

Thanks!, this has fixed the issue completely.

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