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And whoever is doing it wont even tell me who they are so I can talk to them about it?
Rajat I know what you mean but... I just want to sell some stuff on a game and people are abusing their powers here to stop me. You obviously wouldn't like it if a beta tester was constantly stopping ...
My signature now says "Dont do this again". I looked over the SAMP rules and none say anything about selling money on another server like LSRP. If I was selling money on "Golden Roleplay" or some nobo...
While you might mean well no serious server/server worth working for is going to come here and offer you a place. At the least you'd have to write an application.
Quote: Originally Posted by Potassium Can you seriously not get the answer to that by looking at the ten thousand roleplay threads and ads made per hour? Those don't even qualify for li...
Does anyone enjoy heavy roleplay, and I mean to a very high level. Servers like LSRP, IBP, ones where the roleplay is just on a new level compared to the rest of roleplaying ones.
On the wiki it says: Код: ShowPlayerMarkers(0);
First how do I make people's nametags white instead of yellow? Second how do I remove blips on the radar appearing where people are? I'm not that much of a complete newbie at scripting but I don't k...
Quote: Originally Posted by Bakr You aren't trying hard enough to gather a team of player's who will work and make it a tactically inclined game. That's your fault. There are going to be i...
I started playing MW2 online when I was 13, but I wasn't an idiot like that. Never have been. Overall CoD is just a shitfest now, that's why I'm moving over to battlefield as soon as BF4 comes out. I...
That website is shit, its an excuse to install legal adware on your PC.
Quote: Originally Posted by SchurmanCQC You should remove the poll. The limited answers are really biased imo. I don't play at an RP server. There are no good ones anymore. I need an RP ...
He is a pretty smart guy what he IQ do you think?
Quote: Originally Posted by OpticKiller Yes i will be getting it. but i ant pre ordered it am also awaiting for the gta 5 for pc to come out but sadly there ant any news on it. Same gon...
Would screw up RP servers
I'll work for you if you pay well. I'm not working for third world rates though.
Sound mods cause bugs though, even a single gun sound mod makes the helicopters sound like retarded sirens.
GTA VCS wasn't even a very good game, it was alright but I think it was one of the worser GTA games. A multiplayer though might be quite good, I remember VCS had its advantages like the ability to gra...
There's probably something half decent out there. GIMP is a good graphic program, so is inkscape and they're free. Maybe Photoshop has some features for the professionals that can only be bought for h...
I pasted some music into my video but it can barely be heard because I think my game's volume was turned up a lot at the time. I don't see any clear way of making the music louder on windows 7 movie m...