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Quote: Originally Posted by Kalcor Because they were more professional, more tactful. Instead of spamming me with the same message over and over in this thread, they got together as a grou...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kalcor moar update. moar scripp. moar pawno. moar skinn. it'll never be enough for some people. seriously, why, after such a long run, would I include some fe...
Quote: Originally Posted by Attack97 Hello Kalcor I would like to continue seeing more versions of SA: MP, you are the best and I hope to see the new version 0.3.9. SA: MP must make livin...
Kalcor, I will never understand how you can ignore stuff like this.
Quote: Originally Posted by Kalcor We've decided to not include the 0.3DL downloading feature in 0.3.9. If you have a server on 0.3DL and you want to come back to the main branch, you cou...
Quote: Originally Posted by kenjutsu It was necessary to release 0.3.8 as the main version. Over time, all servers and players would move, as was the case with 0.3z and 0.3.7 I am in favo...
Quote: Originally Posted by kurta999 But every server won't use it. This would be a big advantage for players. Plus not every server will use models like naruto, somebody like me (just an ...
Quote: Originally Posted by loffee Giants with 10 full servers like Arizona They'll most likely open multiple servers and make them full instead, it's not smart to keep that huge number...
Edit: doesn't matter at all.
Quote: Originally Posted by Kalcor Yeah, that server looks great. willttoonn has done a great job selling DL also. My problem is that not all sa-mp servers will look like that. The older ...
Every single samp developer wants 0.3DL on the main branch but Kalcor still think they don't.
I just think you're underestimating 0.3DL based on the numbers you got from an unofficial version, the lack of interest on SAMP modeling is directly linked to the fact that it's unofficial IMHO. When ...
Quote: Originally Posted by ClaudioF Sу pensei, mas quem sabe em um futuro ? Os dois, a insatisfaзгo e um exemplo de uma ideia diferente, pra sair da "mesmice". Poderia s...
Nгo entendi muito bem o tуpico, a primeira parte foi mostrando sua insatisfaзгo com o mod e a segunda apresentando uma ideia de projeto inovador? Eu acho que tб meio contraditуrio, eu sinceramen...
Okay I think you should show Kalcor some respect, no one in here is obviously not in the position to impose stuff to be developed nor tell Kye what he can or should do of his mod, we're all here ASKIN...
Quote: Originally Posted by d0minic It's easy as ABC. - fix issues left over from previous versions. - update memory addresses and ids. - merge DL and 037 to 039. - release 039 as the off...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kalcor How many of you requesting DL actually post in the DL section? It can go weeks in there without a single post. Part of the problem with DL is it's so sl...
Quote: Originally Posted by Botato Congratulations Kalcor! The bad guys won (those who attack servers and literally control sa-mp) Now Sergioo will manipulate sa-mp Bullshit, Kalcor's ...
If Kalcor join it and talk to people I'll join it.