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Hello. I need a little help with adding some form of an actor editor and animation list to my Texture Studio SA:MP server. I need an editor that supports custom added (0.3.DL) skins if it is possible...
Ever since I updated to the new (0.3.DL) version, this issue keeps buggering me. Whenever my game runs for a long time, it decides to "fuck it" and starts failing to load SetObjectMaterialTexts and I...
If it is gonna be a feature merged into the main updates, then what is the point? Also as I see there isn't any lack, just that most of the servers stay in the development version while the RC lasts ...
@Kalcor Will the features that are not related to the downloading make their way into the 0.3.7-DL version too? It would be lame if they didn't cause the update would lose its charm, having only the d...
Here. Got this: Warning(s007): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x34D1AE4 Code: SA-MP 0.3.8-RC4-4 Exception At Address: 0x034D1CCA Base: 0x03A10000 Registers: EAX: 0x000130C2 EBX: 0xFFFFFFFF ECX: 0x035A947...
Hi. If you have the first person sight mod, this one: your game will crash when you try to enter the FPS camera mode on a SA:MP 0.3.8 custom skin...
The map is good, but the choice location is terrible. And it is called Vinewood, not Winewood.
Wrong section but:
________________________________________________ Hello I've been running into my unused maps on my harddrives and on my Drive too. Now I want to publicate them. 11 of my maps been public for thi...
Quote: Originally Posted by Andregood Are you aware of the fact that you're a great effin mapper? Impressive, so impressive. Haha! Thanks mate! Also Thank You Skully82!!
Lines: 648 Removes: 0 Objects: 648 Author: RAZR Category: RolePlay Pictures: HERE Teleport Coords: AddPlayerClass(playerid, 1429.7941, -2691.0244, 13.1144, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000); // [RAZR Map...
Lines: 907 Removes: 208 Objects: 699 Author: RAZR Category: RolePlay Pictures: HERE Teleport Coords: AddPlayerClass(playerid, -2180.4370, -2418.4192, 29.8080, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000); // [RAZR ...
Thanks! I forgot to mention that this map was made 1,5 or 2 years ago.
Lines: 2456 Removes: 57 Objects: 2399 Author: RAZR Category: RolePlay Pictures: HERE Teleport Coords: AddPlayerClass(playerid, -2737.0010, 2355.2014, 71.9242, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000); // [RAZR ...
Well made, I like the retextured sidewalks and the whole map is looking good.
Looking good! Keep it up, nice job. +Rep