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Looks nice, I love the style that you went for.
Show your MySQL log, the error should be there.
I really can't tell if this is a joke or not but the ones you listed are basic mathematical terms... Most have been stated above. Here's a few more; < less than > greater than == equal to !=...
Oh right, my mistake. Well if it's server-side it is mainly caused by excess use of callbacks like OnPlayerUpdate and from my experiences, timers and loops. There are cases where the script hasn't bei...
If you are talking about lag spikes, they are caused by low FPS. Lag spikes mainly occur with low end PCs with low specs. The best way to solve it is by lowering your display settings (resolution, dra...
Who's that sexy guy in your pictures?
*REMOVED* Here's the code, the timer is used to enable player controllable.
Hello. I've been having a little trouble with TogglePlayerControllable; what I was aiming for was to use this command in order to freeze a player in order to test for bulletproof hacks. However, I'm ...
Honestly, if you're going to create a freeroam server, there are tonnes of things you've got to do. First of all, you need to think about what players want the most; why a player would join your serve...
You'll never find anyone like that, lol.
Код: public OnPlayerRequestSpawn( playerid ) { DestroyBeachSpawn( playerid ); StopAudioStreamForPlayer( playerid ); CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerCommandText", "is", playerid, "/audiomsgoff" ); ...
Great, I see the Skins but when I click spawn, I crash.
Quote: Originally Posted by Flobesst Hi, I can see this: Код: TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, true); Under your OnPlayerConnect() callback. This is why you can't see the class select...
Bump. I really need help, please help me.
Код: public OnPlayerConnect( playerid ) { LoadPlayerTextDraws( playerid ); LoadBeachSpawn( playerid ); InfoTD_MSG(playerid, 3000, "~w~Loading~w~~h~..."); //PlayAudioStreamForPlayer( ...