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Quote: Originally Posted by Roel Not really needed, This is not to create it for players or something, but just for developers that need to coords for attached objects. If you wan't that p...
Wow this is great mate! But is it possible to make a version for DINI saving system? and also add auto save onplayerdeath and onplayerdisconnect. That will be really amazing!!!!! and also ANY object ...
Well I have noticed that when I teleport to a player that is inside a tuning garage it teleports me inside. How do I disable teleporting inside a tuning garage and check if player is in a tuning garag...
What is the best free Cpanel Hosting (Subdomains)? With PHP,CGI scripting and so on... Please not 000webhost
[ if(DataAccount[playerid][Logged]) ] I don't use Pvars for some reasons.
What filterscript that record a NPC only in Standing position or Idle?
Anyone have more idea?
Yes thanks, But there are any other includes that is built-in for this?
Quote: Originally Posted by PrawkC Create a variable such as 'kills', then loop through all the player files and do this Код: if(playerkills > kills) kills = playerkills; in th...
I wan't to make a server top killers, score and so on. But I don't know how. Is it possible to get their score or kills in a file? Coz we all know that we have a saving system right? Lets say. I hav...
Quote: Originally Posted by James_Nick Explain more please.. I created my own duel saving system. But I think it was my bad. First I made this... Код: dini_IntSet(file, "Duels", ...
After winning in duel it add + 1, but after winning again in duel it doesn't add +1. It remain +1, but you can see I already have Код: PlayerInfo[killerid][Duels]++; this is under onplayerdeath ...
I have a problem after getting killed/inside any vehicle. It spawn me somewhere randomly but I already set my OnPlayerSpawn in a right place and its working fine only when I died onfoot. So for short....
Quote: Originally Posted by Pro_Drifter Can someone tell me exactly the code? my tp cmd its: pawn Код: SetPlayerPos(playerid, -2455.4314,1543.6951,23.1481); pawn Код: new Float...
Anyone know about "Kill on Sight" or "Kill a guy that is randomly assigned" Lets say if server has 4 players then loop all connected players and assign 1 to be a "Kill on Sight" Just like kill the pr...
In your filterscript. Under OnDialogResponse it must be. pawn Code: return 0;
pawn Код: new Float:RandomShipwarSpawn[][] ={   {XX,YY,ZZ},   {XX,YY,ZZ},   {XX,YY,ZZ},   {XX,YY,ZZ}}; pawn Код: public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid){if(GetPVarInt(playerid,"ShipwarSpawn"))...