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dude, thanks. that helped me too norrin. repped.
Can I run the R7 on Centos 5? If yes, do provide a plugin compiled on the system.
[ Delete this, sorry for double posting, I didn't see my last post. () ]
Scripter and developer are basically the same. And, I was willing to give my VPS to a "scriper (A.K.A developer)" with a unique script.
I was asking for a developed script sir, not a developer.
Hello, I'm Marv and I'm willing to dedicate an entire VPS, with SA-MP 0.3e (500 slots) server and TeamSpeak 3 server. I'll give my VPS to a unique, but exciting role-play script. Feel free to reply....
I too have the same problem. I use CentOS 5, on a remote VPS. I get this error each time I start the VXRP server.
Steps for creation: 1.) Make a new variable using the "new" function. 2.) Put GetPlayerCash function under OnPlayerDisconnect callback. 3.) And, GivePlayerCash function under OnPlayerSpawn callback. ...
Well, if they are not players, get a firewall from your host to protect it(if you have one)