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I just renewed all basic SA-MP plugin and downloaded the newest streamer version. Compiled gamemode but nothings happen. Console says it loaded all my 718 houses but I can't see them in game.
Hey there I have a moneybag and housing script. They use floating objects (e.g.) house icons. Suddenly none of them appaer on the map. I remember having this issue a few years ago but I do not rememb...
Looking for a server to host and pay a hosted tab for. Your project should be promising and I will assist you and your team. I can also host your website. I am not interested in Cops and Robbers serv...
Hello, I am looking for a SA-MP server host, I remember there was a premium hosting provider providing a hosted listing and everything but I forgot their name... Maybe you could help me
Yes I do: Код: YCMD:ask(playerid, params[], help) { #pragma unused help new string[128], text[48]; if(sscanf(params, "s[48]", text)) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Us...
Quote: Originally Posted by Galletziz Have you include ycmd include ? Yes I do.
Hello everyone, Today I have written a ban command but it is giving me a strange error which I could not fix by myself, hopefully you could help me out: Код: YCMD:ban(playerid, params[], help) {...
I'm getting one error and one warning, I don't know how to fix them.... Quote: C:\Users\eigenaar\Contacts\Pictures\Desktop\SAUF Server scripting\gamemodes\SAUFServer.pwn(900) : warning 217...
Doesn't work, vehicle won't be destroyed now but the car won't heal in his view or so.
I've got some weird erros, and I don't know how to fix them, I'm a beginning scripter so.. Quote: C:\Users\eigenaar\Contacts\Pictures\Desktop\SAUF Server scripting\gamemodes\
Hello everyone, I'm having an issue, I've made a automatic repair timer + code, but In-game it's not working. pawn Код: forward AutoRepair(); pawn Код: SetTimer("AutoRepair",500,1); pawn К...
Ehm, that's useless if you're wanting more spawnpoints..
Hello Everyone, I'm having a problem with a string that's not working on a weird way, hopefully someone can fix it for me. pawn Код: new Float:RandomSpawns[][] ={    {1443.7324,-2426.4797,15.7...
pawn Код: new Text:welcomeText; pawn Код: welcomeText = TextDrawCreate(240.0,580.0,"Welcome to Super Stunt 2013");    TextDrawColor(welcomeText,0x000000FF);    TextDrawFont(welcomeText,3...