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I dont know about you , but you can advertise through random messages
My mapper uses samp in Windows 7 ultimate, but sometimes it doesnt load or start so he has to restart the computer. Hopefully they will fix it
First you download incognitos streamer, put it in , then the code is pawn Код: CreateDynamicObject(modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1...
Since he needs help , I think more than an advertising system he means a Random Message script, since everyone uses that for advertising. Here is the tutorial:
I canґt actually see you defining or doing anything with "wep1, wep2, wep3" , thats why you get the wrong ID I guess.
Im wondering the same thing.Do you want a script for it or are you trying to say something in some ancient language? :>
Quote: Originally Posted by Rafael_Zambrano not possible you speak without knowing. I think everything is possible, as my previous scripter once hooked up ******** to my server. To be ...
Wow thanks man , I didnґt really know exactly where to put the stuff, thanks a lot! +rep
Hi guys! Basically I have seen a few servers with custom messages on billboards. I searched for some time, and got to the conclusion that this is what I needed , but somehow it doesnt let me compile ...
pawn Код: CMD:me(playerid, params[]){    new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], str[128];    GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));    strreplace(name,'_',' ');    if(sscanf(params,"s[128]",str)...
You need to go to mta , select an interior , and just make one outside that interior. At least thats how its been done in quite a few servers! Then when you put it in the game just setplayerinterior...
Quote: Originally Posted by N0FeaR So then i shall use sscanf? sscanf + zcmd
Basically if its simple commands like /tele or /healme it just goes like : pawn Код: CMD:"yourcmdhere"(playerid,params[]){    GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 24, 500);    GivePlayerWeapon(playerid,...
pawn Код: public OnGameModeInit(){    // Don't use these lines if it's a filterscript    SetGameModeText("SFH ");    DisableInteriorEnterExits(); //disables default interiors//    EnableSt...
Well basically I have followed everything in this tutorial: PAWNO compiles perfectly , but when you log on , you appear to be "CJ" just flying t...
Well , basically I tried an object editor, and somehow no objects load in my whole map. Like I have looooooooads of objects in the streamer , and it doesnt load any of them! I really need them , as ...
Well my server was working perfectly until I tried to change the texture of a billboard. Now when I go in the server , it automatically restarts with this in the log : pawn Код: [22:44:41] [22:44...
In the end he didnt answer to what I was looking for.Anyone have any idea?
Thanks man ,when I figure out how to +rep ill do it (probably right now). Look at your inbox
So here is my idea.I want to make , lets say , a bank . So what I want to enter is an automatic "get close to the door" thing. My main problem is I wanted the yellow triangle that faces down as the en...