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Yes, but i don't get it. Can you please tell me how to switch??
Sorry for spamming, but anyone ?
Can someone please tell me how to change this from dini to y_ini: Код: stock LoadMyVehSystem() { new reload[256]; new loader[64]; if(!dini_Exists(SaveFile)) { dini_Create(SaveFile); } fo...
Hi, i'm wondering, how to make a Car ownership in ysi. I want to have cars in dialog, and when i buy it, i want to spawn car, and to have all options for him. I using a y_ini saving system.
Yes, but how to make a Dialog: Please type your email: and after i type it, i get a message on my real e-mail, like Welcome, or something like that.
I using y_ini, and this is mysql, and thats not what i want. And, i using "search" optinon, but nothin' found
You know, afrer, Choosing Age, Sex, Country...
Hi, can someone explain to me how to make an email system for my gamemode in registration. BTW. i using y_ini
I don't get it, how to record airplane landing, and play it every time when somebody register with that ? And mp2 how to make that with npc ?
Hi guys, i need a little help. I don't know how insert a record/video (idk what) of airplane landing to LS airport. After last registration step, i want to make an airplane landing to airport, and af...
Yea, it's work. but barrier close very fast. I wanna to close it like she's opening. If u understand. Like in real life. Wen i type /open, it's work, like in real life, but when i type /close she's cl...
Hi, i make some barrier rotation on my server. It's ok, when i open barrier she work perffect. But i've got one problem, how to make it to work when i wanna to close it? This is codes Код: CMD:o...
U see this code: Код: case DIALOG_HOUSE: { if(!response) return 1; new string[200]; switch(listitem) { case 0: { new id = Player[playerid][Houseid]; ...